Various irregularities in the voting process have been documented by several groups. Dr. Morsi predicted that more than 90% of the Egyptians will vote for this draft. Notwithstanding these voting irregularities, I want to ask Dr. Morsi a simple question: in a country like Egypt, in which 42% of women are unable to read or write, would rejection of “a constitution draft” by half the voters make the proposed Constitution binding? Cool rationality has to trump religious fervor if we really care about the future of Egypt. I am particularly disturbed by the voices describing those who voted NO as traitors. I am also concerned by the voices calling for the majority to rule in Egypt (despotism of the masses). Women’s numbers exceed that of men, those below the age of twenty outnumber those above sixty years old; the poor constitute the vast majority of Egyptians and those with University degrees are a clear minority in Egypt. Are we returning to the days when the Romans were enchanted, in the coliseums, by watching the hungry lions eat the Christian? Bentham justified “pain for minority and pleasure for the majority”. His “Utilitarian theory” ignores the important principle that “all men (and women) are created equal”. Religion should never be used to judge people and assess their intrinsic worth.
Dr Morsi lived in America for seven years and I have been “Professor and Chairman of Cardiology” in America since 1974. I never asked about or considered religion to be a factor in evaluating anyone. This is the standard in any developed country. One should never judge or demonize those unlike him (her). To split the country in two haves is like rowing the Egyptian boat in two different directions (forward and backward) results in going in circles without progressing at all. CONSTITUTIONS MUST FULFILL THE ASPIRATIONS OF THE VAST MAJORITY OF CITIZENS AND PROTECT THE MOST VULNERABLE AMONG THEM. They are never meant to say who won and who lost; but be the road maps to the Country not a party or a group of people.
When I am sick I go to the best Doctor seeking his advice. Similarly, when writing a Constitution Dr. Morsi must seek “Constitutional Scholars”. There are plenty of them inside and outside Egypt. Women and minorities must be adequately represented and listened to their needs and concerns. Those writing a Constitution must be the handful of recognized scholars. All citizens must be made proud to belong to Egypt and be part of its rules. The results of the vote show clearly that many Egyptians are concerned about certain provisions in this draft. I would like to ask Dr. Morsi whether half the Egyptians who voted, in addition to all those prevented from casting a vote, the votes that were rigged and those that were changed from NO to Yes, worms and traitors while you said in your acceptance speech that you are President for all Egyptians?
I started by quoting Shakespeare and I will end by quoting him again when I say to Dr. Morsi “Suit the action to the word, the word to the action; with this special observance, that you overstep not the modesty of nature”.