What is Coptic Solidarity?

We are a watchdog over the events and policies in Egypt; we help increase awareness of the situation of Copts in Egypt; and solicit the support of international public opinion and policy makers. We promote positive developments in Egypt such as secularized rule, equality, and liberty. We also hold Egyptian authorities accountable for their acts.To do this we use:

  • Newsletters
  • Traditional media including press releases and interviews
  • Increased social media presence on Facebook and Twitter
  • Campaigns, rallies and demonstrations

CS Organization Building

We are building the organization through:

  • Increasing membership
  • Engaging in community outreach

Starting chapters in the US and affiliated organizations (currently in Washington, DC, Texas, California, Canada, UK, France)


Coptic Solidarity is at the forefront of advocacy work on behalf of Copts as well other minorities in the region. We advocate through:

  • Grassroots campaigns, quiet diplomacy, and education of Congress and government officials
  • An annual conference in Washington, D.C. featuring legislators from US and abroad and recognized experts from an interdisciplinary perspective on supporting Copts and religious minorities.
  • Alliances are critical to our advocacy work and we regularly partner with the Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC) and other informal alliances.