The call for reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), a name no longer used in wider circles in Egypt due to the fact that the organization chose to be outlaws, is now a nonsensical, political ploy of bankrupt diplomats from the West. The invitation for reconciliation with the non-violent members of the MB has been extended by the legitimate powers to be in Egypt and refused time and again by the rogue members of the outlaws. Its demands are to reestablish Morsi as the legitimate President of Egypt and the administration which he brought in with him, before any talks of reconciliation would be considered.
There wouldn’t have been any need for a call for reconciliation had the MB accepted the will of the Egyptian People, backed by the Army and the Police, to change the regime it had given a full chance to govern with equanimity, true democracy and fair deals for a whole year.
The West, in particular the USA has to bear the major part of the blame for the continued armed struggle, which was very costly in human lives, due to the American administration’s intransigence and deliberate ignoring of the legitimate wish of the People. The affairs in the region as a whole is so muddied and muddled up by outside interference that the so-called well-wishers from the West are doing more harm than good.
The West must understand that this is no political game and the stakes are high all round, particularly for the People. Containing the MB rogues, mercenaries and refusenicks is a full time job. They are setting the country on fire. The Copts are faring much worse than is broadly broadcast in the media and virtually none is helping in any meaningful way. Platitudes, right, left and center from around the globe are cheap but ineffective. So long as the MB and other extremist groups in Egypt are being supported from outside the strife will continue for a long time. Ms. Ashton, please save your airfare and learn more about us before you make another futile trip. It must be understood that, regardless, we are the sole arbiters of our own fate. Let not those who wish us ill think that for one moment we will cower and fold under any sort of pressure, financial, military, propaganda or what have you. We will see this strife through with our faith in our rightful cause and the might of God.
Saba E. Demian, M.D. is a retired Prof. of Pathology