Opinion The Return of Mubarak! A Statement by Political Groups...

The Return of Mubarak! A Statement by Political Groups after the Maspero Massacre




Besides the defamation of protestors, the official (state-owned) media went on a sectarian campaign inciting the public against Egypt’s Christians. They propagated messages from the Military Council beseeching the Egyptian people to help the army. This statement was tantamount to a declaration of civil war between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians. Was it the ingenious plan of the Military Council to fuel sectarian strife and declare civil war as a pretext to enforce martial law and remain in power?
Today seems a replica of January 28. Bullets, teargas, military and police vehicles running over civilians, a fraudulent media brazenly vilifying revolutionary forces and calling them hooligans while corpses of new martyrs line up to join the hordes of martyrs who are still awaiting justice.
The undersigned political groups hereby avow their solidarity with the legitimate demands of Egypt’s Christians: full citizenship rights, equality and parity with regards freedom of worship and freedom of building places of worship.
We warn the Military Council that those who fuel the flames of sectarianism will be consumed by those flames. The January 25 Revolution has taught our nation to hold onto the reigns of its destiny and that the people are the only power capable of completing and accomplishing the revolution. It also taught that
Egyptians are not divided into Muslims and Christians but rather into rulers and subjects, into revolutionary forces and counter-revolutionary forces.
The revolutionaries are increasingly aware that their revolution did not culminate with the ousting of Mubarak who still rules through his Military Council, his emergency laws, his ministers and his agents. However, the revolutionary have made a solemn pledge to the martyrs and will continue until they effectively overthrow this regime.
The undersigned patriotic groups are also demanding the immediate transfer of power to a civilian presidential council.

1.    Revolutionary Youths Coalition.
2.    Revolutionary Socialists.
3.    The Egyptian Democratic Social Party
4.    The Socialist People Alliance Party
5.    The Democratic Labor Party
6.    Youths for Justice and Freedom Movement
7.    Public Committees to Safeguard the Revolution
8.    The Free Egyptian Movement
9.    Movement of the Arab Revolution Youths

This is a translation by Coptic Solidarity of a statement published in the Popular Socialist Coalition Party site, http://egyleftparty.org/?p=2316

?s=96&d=mm&r=g The Return of Mubarak! A Statement by Political Groups after the Maspero Massacre


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Besides the defamation of protestors, the official (state-owned) media went on a sectarian campaign inciting the public against Egypt’s Christians. They propagated messages from the Military Council beseeching the Egyptian people to help the army. This statement was tantamount to a declaration of civil war between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians. Was it the ingenious plan of the Military Council to fuel sectarian strife and declare civil war as a pretext to enforce martial law and remain in power?
Today seems a replica of January 28. Bullets, teargas, military and police vehicles running over civilians, a fraudulent media brazenly vilifying revolutionary forces and calling them hooligans while corpses of new martyrs line up to join the hordes of martyrs who are still awaiting justice.
The undersigned political groups hereby avow their solidarity with the legitimate demands of Egypt’s Christians: full citizenship rights, equality and parity with regards freedom of worship and freedom of building places of worship.
We warn the Military Council that those who fuel the flames of sectarianism will be consumed by those flames. The January 25 Revolution has taught our nation to hold onto the reigns of its destiny and that the people are the only power capable of completing and accomplishing the revolution. It also taught that
Egyptians are not divided into Muslims and Christians but rather into rulers and subjects, into revolutionary forces and counter-revolutionary forces.
The revolutionaries are increasingly aware that their revolution did not culminate with the ousting of Mubarak who still rules through his Military Council, his emergency laws, his ministers and his agents. However, the revolutionary have made a solemn pledge to the martyrs and will continue until they effectively overthrow this regime.
The undersigned patriotic groups are also demanding the immediate transfer of power to a civilian presidential council.

1.    Revolutionary Youths Coalition.
2.    Revolutionary Socialists.
3.    The Egyptian Democratic Social Party
4.    The Socialist People Alliance Party
5.    The Democratic Labor Party
6.    Youths for Justice and Freedom Movement
7.    Public Committees to Safeguard the Revolution
8.    The Free Egyptian Movement
9.    Movement of the Arab Revolution Youths

This is a translation by Coptic Solidarity of a statement published in the Popular Socialist Coalition Party site, http://egyleftparty.org/?p=2316