Opinion Ridding the World of the ISIS Menace

Ridding the World of the ISIS Menace


The West, a reluctant champion, led by the USA, is behaving according to character, reluctantly. The ruse that ‘no feet on the ground’ is an inviolate policy is a hands-off stance in the face of the most vicious brutality in recent times. So far the action from the air to hold back the forces of ISIS was primarily in support of an ancient people, the Yazidis. The concern for the Christians of Iraq and Syria was an afterthought. The Commander-in-Chief of the USA, the redoubtable president, leaves himself and his retinue open to worldwide criticism on the tepid actions taken so far to rid the world of this menace which has sprouting tentacles bent on overtaking the Middle East for starters. The Australians, the bravest among the Western Culture nations, have offered to send soldiers, feet on the ground, to the embattled region to effectively rid the world of this menace.

The atrocities committed by this army of the devil defies the imagination. They are so ruthlessly evil that their vengeful acts of murder are the worst mankind has seen in recorded history. The beheading of an American photojournalist should be sending tremors in the American Administration and disgust amongst the world at large at the inaction in the face of this inhumanity. The president’s inaction would be charged with having blood on his hands. He has abrogated treaties, broken his word time and again, and complacently watched from afar the massacres in that region. Are the Americans and the West as a whole unaware that they are at war? Unlikely. The Saudis and other Muslims denounced the actions of the the actions of ISIS. His Holiness Pope Francis called the brutality of ISIS worse than the actions against the Christians at the hands of the Romans at the dawn of Christianity.   

Despite the temporary so-called victories over, and containment of, the ISIL, the war has only begun. This conflict is far more complex and is a long-term one which needs a coalition of the West and other peace-loving nations, similar to that which was formed by President George H.W. Bush to check Saddam Hussein from annexing Kuwait in 1991. Half measures won’t do. Admittedly, there are different policies which should be in place to suit prevailing conditions at any given time. However, the policies of hands off and mere containment are useless in the current situation. This emboldens the enemy and gives them time to recruit and arm more fanatic Islamists from many different extremist Islamist organization from around the world like Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas and their parent the Muslim Brotherhood (MB.)

The world is watching this band of the devil do its worst. When will humanity act? Much is required and it is not too late.

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Ridding the World of the ISIS Menace


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The West, a reluctant champion, led by the USA, is behaving according to character, reluctantly. The ruse that ‘no feet on the ground’ is an inviolate policy is a hands-off stance in the face of the most vicious brutality in recent times. So far the action from the air to hold back the forces of ISIS was primarily in support of an ancient people, the Yazidis. The concern for the Christians of Iraq and Syria was an afterthought. The Commander-in-Chief of the USA, the redoubtable president, leaves himself and his retinue open to worldwide criticism on the tepid actions taken so far to rid the world of this menace which has sprouting tentacles bent on overtaking the Middle East for starters. The Australians, the bravest among the Western Culture nations, have offered to send soldiers, feet on the ground, to the embattled region to effectively rid the world of this menace.

The atrocities committed by this army of the devil defies the imagination. They are so ruthlessly evil that their vengeful acts of murder are the worst mankind has seen in recorded history. The beheading of an American photojournalist should be sending tremors in the American Administration and disgust amongst the world at large at the inaction in the face of this inhumanity. The president’s inaction would be charged with having blood on his hands. He has abrogated treaties, broken his word time and again, and complacently watched from afar the massacres in that region. Are the Americans and the West as a whole unaware that they are at war? Unlikely. The Saudis and other Muslims denounced the actions of the the actions of ISIS. His Holiness Pope Francis called the brutality of ISIS worse than the actions against the Christians at the hands of the Romans at the dawn of Christianity.   

Despite the temporary so-called victories over, and containment of, the ISIL, the war has only begun. This conflict is far more complex and is a long-term one which needs a coalition of the West and other peace-loving nations, similar to that which was formed by President George H.W. Bush to check Saddam Hussein from annexing Kuwait in 1991. Half measures won’t do. Admittedly, there are different policies which should be in place to suit prevailing conditions at any given time. However, the policies of hands off and mere containment are useless in the current situation. This emboldens the enemy and gives them time to recruit and arm more fanatic Islamists from many different extremist Islamist organization from around the world like Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Hamas and their parent the Muslim Brotherhood (MB.)

The world is watching this band of the devil do its worst. When will humanity act? Much is required and it is not too late.