A faithful believer in the Almighty, espousing and living His dicta, totally alien to totalitarianism, barbarism, vindictiveness, mendacity, meanness of spirit and all the traits of those who wish her ill. She has been accused of virtues, seen by her accusers as nothing short of blasphemy. Her accusers, judges and those who control them, are equally culpable in indicting her. What those people are doing to Fatma Naot are actually doing to Egypt. Unrealized by most, this is the battle for the soul of Egypt. The fate of our beloved homeland is in the balance. Is Egypt to be imprisoned in the nadir of ignorance, servitude, cultural oblivion; a captive of inhuman, so-called human beings, applying barbaric rules fashioned in the hinterlands of obscurity?
Most of those who read this article are familiar with this Giant, her background, education, culture, work and achievements. A few months ago I wrote to Mrs. Naoot asking her permission to nominate her for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In my opinion, she is more deserving than many who were awarded the prize previously. Her work has been universally recognized and gained her many honors and prizes, many of which are not less prestigious than the Nobel. She accepts them in humility in the name of Egypt.
One of the most admirable characteristic of this person is her desire and ability to act as a conciliator. Her in-depth knowledge of humanity sublimates her above the petty quibbles of others; some of which are causes of loss of human lives, battles, wars and most of all loss of human dignity, reducing the quibblers to beings lacking human conscience.
She continues to play a role in the abysmal affairs of the Copts of Egypt. This is one of the reasons her allegiance to her religion is in question and on which her condemnation is based.
I cry out, hopefully in unison with other Copts and enlightened Muslims, including President As-Sisi, to uphold our constitution and guide the judiciary to play the fair role expected of them. Let our Icon go.
Article submitted by Saba E. Demian, M.D. Retired professor of Laboratory Medicine USC, LSU Schools of Medicine
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