Opinion Brotherhood Hedges Its Bets (Which Is Why It's Still...

Brotherhood Hedges Its Bets (Which Is Why It’s Still on Top)



  • They appealed to the broader Egyptian public outside of Tahrir Square, which is desperate to return to life-as-normal, tends to support the SCAF’s authority, and is inclined to believe the state-run media (which is relentlessly loyal to the regime) over opposition and liberal media outlets. The MB has already worked hard to broaden its appeal by working the streets during the brief electoral campaign season, and this will convince more average, politically indifferent Egyptians that the Brotherhood stands for reason, stability, and normalcy.
  • In the event the SCAF survives the unfolding crisis — and Gen. Tantawi’s speech on Tuesday afternoon confirms that his council has no intention of giving in to protesters’ demands — the MB stands to re-enter the generals’ good graces by having stood down during the worst of the violence. The SCAF may not explicitly endorse FJP candidates in the imminent elections, but it may be inclined to favor them in future negotiations and “national dialogues,” particularly when it comes to the next critically important national challenge — redrafting the constitution.
  • By championing the current election schedule, the MB presents itself as the “most democratic” faction — even as it enjoys strategic victory as the single party that will benefit exponentially from hasty parliamentary elections. This may become even more pronounced if liberal / secular parties boycott the elections, continue to lose public sympathy, or simply collapse in the wake of the current chaos.

Egypt‘s protesters are fully aware of the MB’s double-game, and they voiced their opinion early on Tuesday by ejecting Mohamed El-Beltagi, the head of the FJP, from Tahrir Square. But this small symbolic gesture will pale in comparison to the considerable gains that the MB will likely reap from this chaos in the weeks to come.


Kurt J. Werthmuller is Research Fellow, Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom

The Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kurt-j-werthmuller/egypt-muslim-brotherhood_b_1109774.html?view=print&comm_ref=false

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Brotherhood Hedges Its Bets (Which Is Why It's Still on Top)


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  • They appealed to the broader Egyptian public outside of Tahrir Square, which is desperate to return to life-as-normal, tends to support the SCAF’s authority, and is inclined to believe the state-run media (which is relentlessly loyal to the regime) over opposition and liberal media outlets. The MB has already worked hard to broaden its appeal by working the streets during the brief electoral campaign season, and this will convince more average, politically indifferent Egyptians that the Brotherhood stands for reason, stability, and normalcy.
  • In the event the SCAF survives the unfolding crisis — and Gen. Tantawi’s speech on Tuesday afternoon confirms that his council has no intention of giving in to protesters’ demands — the MB stands to re-enter the generals’ good graces by having stood down during the worst of the violence. The SCAF may not explicitly endorse FJP candidates in the imminent elections, but it may be inclined to favor them in future negotiations and “national dialogues,” particularly when it comes to the next critically important national challenge — redrafting the constitution.
  • By championing the current election schedule, the MB presents itself as the “most democratic” faction — even as it enjoys strategic victory as the single party that will benefit exponentially from hasty parliamentary elections. This may become even more pronounced if liberal / secular parties boycott the elections, continue to lose public sympathy, or simply collapse in the wake of the current chaos.

Egypt‘s protesters are fully aware of the MB’s double-game, and they voiced their opinion early on Tuesday by ejecting Mohamed El-Beltagi, the head of the FJP, from Tahrir Square. But this small symbolic gesture will pale in comparison to the considerable gains that the MB will likely reap from this chaos in the weeks to come.


Kurt J. Werthmuller is Research Fellow, Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom

The Huffington Post, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kurt-j-werthmuller/egypt-muslim-brotherhood_b_1109774.html?view=print&comm_ref=false