Opinion Articles In Egypt: Turkey, Qatar Fund Terror, Are Responsible...

Articles In Egypt: Turkey, Qatar Fund Terror, Are Responsible for Bloodshed in Arab World



Articles stated that Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Qatar under Sheikh Tamim Aal Thani, support the extremist terrorist organizations in the region and fund them, and thus "sow destruction in the Middle East" and "turn Arab countries into hell for their citizens." They called to expand the war on terror to include drying up its sources of funding, and to take legal measures against the leaders of Qatar and Turkey, who were described as responsible for the bloodshed in the Arab world and as dancing over the bodies of innocent victims.


It should be noted that claims of this kind against Qatar and Turkey have been heard in Egypt since the ouster of president Muhammad Mursi in July 2013. These countries, which support the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), hold that Mursi's rule was toppled in a military coup, and therefore regard President Al-Sisi's rule as illegitimate. Egypt, for its part, accuses the two countries of supporting the MB, which is outlawed in the country, as well as jihad organizations like ISIS. These mutual accusations caused Egypt's relations with Turkey and Qatar to deteriorate, to the extent that in November 2013 Egypt expelled the Turkish ambassador and recalled its own ambassador from Ankara. In January 2014 it also recalled its ambassador from Doha, and the latter, in turn, recalled its ambassador from Cairo in February 2015. Saudi Arabia's efforts to broker a reconciliation between Egypt and Qatar, which began in late 2014 as part of its attempts to form a broad Sunni coalition against Iran, did not bear fruit.


The following are excerpts from Egyptian articles accusing Qatar and Turkey of sponsoring terror and calling for a diplomatic campaign against them.


'Al-Ahram' Editor: President Erdogan, Sheikh Tamim Turn Arab Countries Into Hell, Dance Over The Bodies Of The Innocent


 Following the Qatari Emir's July 13, 2015 visit to Turkey, during which he met with Erdogan and discussed, among other topics, the war on terror, the editor of the government Egyptian daily Al-Ahram, Muhammad 'Abd Al-Hadi Allam, wondered how the leaders of two  countries that are known for sponsoring terror can discuss the war against terror. He wrote in a July 17 article: "Sponsoring the armed organizations in the Arab world has become an ideology for certain governments that sow destruction across the Middle East. In the absence of any regional or international element to deter them, some of them imagine that their money is enough to protect them from [these] terror organizations, but they are surely deluding themselves. In the recent days, in the latest scene of this tragedy, the media reported that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim, visited Ankara and discussed various issues with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ergodan, among them 'the war on terror.' This is surprising, for we have no idea what terror is referred to by [these] official announcements that came out of the Qatari-Turkish summit, especially considering that the two governments [of Qatar and Turkey] insist on funding and arming these [terror] organizations out of their own narrow interests, and pay no heed to the voices that oppose their interference, which ignites more and more fires in the Middle East…


"The dubious Qatari-Turkish coordination peaked recently with the announcement that Qatar will host a large Turkish military base, the first [Turkish base to be built] outside Turkey, as part of agreements that were signed between the [two] countries. This will even further serve their interest to support terror, and fuel the policy of 'absolute evil' that they are employing towards the peace-loving peoples of the Middle East, namely [the policy of] hatching conspiracies in closed rooms and then coming out to face the cameras with false smiles and dance over the severed limbs of the innocent. The day will come when all the despicable cards [of Qatar and Turkey] will be revealed, [those states] that have turned the Arab countries into hell for their citizens…"




Read full report at: http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/8689.htm


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Articles In Egypt: Turkey, Qatar Fund Terror, Are Responsible for Bloodshed in Arab World


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Articles stated that Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Qatar under Sheikh Tamim Aal Thani, support the extremist terrorist organizations in the region and fund them, and thus "sow destruction in the Middle East" and "turn Arab countries into hell for their citizens." They called to expand the war on terror to include drying up its sources of funding, and to take legal measures against the leaders of Qatar and Turkey, who were described as responsible for the bloodshed in the Arab world and as dancing over the bodies of innocent victims.


It should be noted that claims of this kind against Qatar and Turkey have been heard in Egypt since the ouster of president Muhammad Mursi in July 2013. These countries, which support the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), hold that Mursi's rule was toppled in a military coup, and therefore regard President Al-Sisi's rule as illegitimate. Egypt, for its part, accuses the two countries of supporting the MB, which is outlawed in the country, as well as jihad organizations like ISIS. These mutual accusations caused Egypt's relations with Turkey and Qatar to deteriorate, to the extent that in November 2013 Egypt expelled the Turkish ambassador and recalled its own ambassador from Ankara. In January 2014 it also recalled its ambassador from Doha, and the latter, in turn, recalled its ambassador from Cairo in February 2015. Saudi Arabia's efforts to broker a reconciliation between Egypt and Qatar, which began in late 2014 as part of its attempts to form a broad Sunni coalition against Iran, did not bear fruit.


The following are excerpts from Egyptian articles accusing Qatar and Turkey of sponsoring terror and calling for a diplomatic campaign against them.


'Al-Ahram' Editor: President Erdogan, Sheikh Tamim Turn Arab Countries Into Hell, Dance Over The Bodies Of The Innocent


 Following the Qatari Emir's July 13, 2015 visit to Turkey, during which he met with Erdogan and discussed, among other topics, the war on terror, the editor of the government Egyptian daily Al-Ahram, Muhammad 'Abd Al-Hadi Allam, wondered how the leaders of two  countries that are known for sponsoring terror can discuss the war against terror. He wrote in a July 17 article: "Sponsoring the armed organizations in the Arab world has become an ideology for certain governments that sow destruction across the Middle East. In the absence of any regional or international element to deter them, some of them imagine that their money is enough to protect them from [these] terror organizations, but they are surely deluding themselves. In the recent days, in the latest scene of this tragedy, the media reported that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim, visited Ankara and discussed various issues with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ergodan, among them 'the war on terror.' This is surprising, for we have no idea what terror is referred to by [these] official announcements that came out of the Qatari-Turkish summit, especially considering that the two governments [of Qatar and Turkey] insist on funding and arming these [terror] organizations out of their own narrow interests, and pay no heed to the voices that oppose their interference, which ignites more and more fires in the Middle East…


"The dubious Qatari-Turkish coordination peaked recently with the announcement that Qatar will host a large Turkish military base, the first [Turkish base to be built] outside Turkey, as part of agreements that were signed between the [two] countries. This will even further serve their interest to support terror, and fuel the policy of 'absolute evil' that they are employing towards the peace-loving peoples of the Middle East, namely [the policy of] hatching conspiracies in closed rooms and then coming out to face the cameras with false smiles and dance over the severed limbs of the innocent. The day will come when all the despicable cards [of Qatar and Turkey] will be revealed, [those states] that have turned the Arab countries into hell for their citizens…"




Read full report at: http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/8689.htm