CS Releases Video of Coptic Church Aflame

Video of Coptic Church Aflame


afllllaam Video of Coptic Church AflameBefore the Muslim Brotherhood camps were dispersed, over a week ago, a man who identified himself as a Libyan called into Al Jazeera saying, “I want to offer the good news to [Pope] Tawadros that, Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt—and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist.” When the TV host appeared to protest, the caller interrupted him saying, “It’s already decided, take your cameras and go to the churches and you’ll see what’s going to happen soon, Allah willing.”

True to these threats, in the last two days, since the Brotherhood was dispersed from their terrorist camps on August 14, they have been attacking and in some cases slaughtering Egypt’s Christians — including women and children — and attacking dozens of Coptic churches, and many hundreds of Christian homes and businesses.

As news of assaults on Coptic churches in Egypt becomes commonplace — in the last two days, nearly 70 churches and even ancient monasteries have been attacked and/or torched — and readers possibly become desensitized to such news, here is a video of the burning of the Amba Musa church in al-Minya whuch occurred less than two days ago. It is a reminder of how horrific and hate-filled these attacks truly are. As if the torching of the church was not enough, around the 2-minute mark, the pro-Morsi Brotherhood supporters can also be seen destroying church property and hurling objects at the flaming building.

Imagine if that was your church — set aflame because you dared reject oppressive Islamist rule.

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afllllaam Video of Coptic Church AflameBefore the Muslim Brotherhood camps were dispersed, over a week ago, a man who identified himself as a Libyan called into Al Jazeera saying, “I want to offer the good news to [Pope] Tawadros that, Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt—and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist.” When the TV host appeared to protest, the caller interrupted him saying, “It’s already decided, take your cameras and go to the churches and you’ll see what’s going to happen soon, Allah willing.”

True to these threats, in the last two days, since the Brotherhood was dispersed from their terrorist camps on August 14, they have been attacking and in some cases slaughtering Egypt’s Christians — including women and children — and attacking dozens of Coptic churches, and many hundreds of Christian homes and businesses.

As news of assaults on Coptic churches in Egypt becomes commonplace — in the last two days, nearly 70 churches and even ancient monasteries have been attacked and/or torched — and readers possibly become desensitized to such news, here is a video of the burning of the Amba Musa church in al-Minya whuch occurred less than two days ago. It is a reminder of how horrific and hate-filled these attacks truly are. As if the torching of the church was not enough, around the 2-minute mark, the pro-Morsi Brotherhood supporters can also be seen destroying church property and hurling objects at the flaming building.

Imagine if that was your church — set aflame because you dared reject oppressive Islamist rule.