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The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for





The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for

democratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarak







































Press release From Civil Society Organizations 


March 1, 2011

The undersigned Egyptian human rights organizations are closely following the efforts of the Supreme

Council of the Armed Forces as it manages the country’s affairs in this difficult period, during which the council must assume its responsibilities and honor its vows to respond to the demands and aspirations of the Egyptian people as expressed in the January 25 revolution. Additionally, it must face the repercussions of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime and the disintegration and suspicious withdrawal of the security establishment that accompanied it. The Council must also expose and curb the catastrophic consequences of theft, financial and administrative corruption, and the ruination of the country’s political life perpetrated by a broad network of interests, including the office of the presidency, prominent figures of what was previously known as the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), and influential leaders within the parliament and the executive branch.

We realize that the armed forces acted as a pillar of support for the Egyptian revolution, helping to

achieve its first goal of the removal of the former president and the dissolution of the People’s Assembly

and Shura Council, which were stigmatized and delegitimized by flagrantly fraudulent elections.

Nevertheless, the undersigned organizations feel growing concern about the path being taken in the

transitional phase, which should presumably lay the foundation for a democratic, civil state that respects

human rights—the overriding goal for which Egyptians made costly sacrifices.

In this context, we make the following observations:

1. Making a clean break with the former dictator’s regime required the immediate removal of

the government created by him to mislead the people and contain their revolution. Attempts to repair

this government with piecemeal changes will not dispel the legitimate fears many people feel about

the political survival of certain figures close to the deposed president and cannot so easily shirk their

responsibility for both the wide range of crimes committed during Mubarak’s tenure and the

criminal misinformation campaigns designed to discredit the goals of the revolution and incite

against those who were part of it.

2. Making a clean break with the policies and crimes of the Mubarak regime, restoring the

rule of law, and subordinating state institutions to that law requires more decisive, transparent steps

to hold accountable and punish figures responsible for crimes and grave abuses committed under

Mubarak’s regime in public and fair trials.

We regret to note that measures taken thus far seem selective and not aimed at establishing a

legal system for accountability and punishment or announcing facts to the public. In particular, the

undersigned organizations note severe shortcomings, or at the very least an unjustified secrecy,

surrounding the measures that must be taken to ensure accountability for major crimes, first and


a) The identification and prosecution of those responsible for issuing orders to open fire on


b) The identification and prosecution of those responsible for giving the green light to acts of

murder and paid thuggery in the name of “loyalty to Mubarak.”

c) Making public the facts surrounding the agencies and persons responsible for the suspicious

withdrawal and disappearance of police forces and the release of prisoners and criminals from

prisons, which left the country vulnerable to widespread looting and theft.

d) Former Information Minister Anas al-Fiqqi must be prosecuted for his responsibility in

managing the media campaigns aimed at misleading public opinion, smearing participants in the

popular revolution, and the xenophobic campaign inciting hatred of foreigners.

3. Confirming the legitimacy of the demands of the Egyptian labor movement since 12

February demanding its social and economic rights, the undersigned organizations announce their

solidarity with the labor strikes and urge the Supreme Council of Armed forces to:

a) Quickly implement court decisions to set a minimum wage that is truly compatible with


b) Quickly transform temporary into permanent labor.

c) Set unemployment benefits

d) Dissolve the board of directors of the Egyptian General Federation of Trade Unions and of

the general labor unions, which their elections were held in violation to orders of the

administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.

e) Depose the heads and board members of holding companies, who took part in wasting

public money and assets, crushing national industry, and overlooking labor rights.

4. Making a clean break with the police state, the systematic practices of torture, involuntary

disappearance, and murder, and the executive’s control of the Public Prosecutor’s Office that have

existed in Egypt for several decades requires the dissolution of the State Security apparatus. It is

unfortunate that the leaders of this agency—responsible for grave human rights abuses, the destruction of

political life, and the undermining of Egyptians’ dignity—are still walking the streets freely. Thus far the

public has been given only brief statements indicating that the director of the agency has been suspended

and is being investigated, with no clarification as to the nature of these investigations. In addition, the

Supreme Council of the Armed Forces should open an immediate investigation in the documented

reports indicating the involvement of members of the Military Police in cases of arbitrary detention and

torture of detainees during the last period and refer those responsible to trial.

We have previously stated that


the coming elections, both parliamentary and presidential,

should come at the end of a transitional period of no less than one year during which civil liberties

are fully respected, particularly the freedom to establish political parties


, trade unions, NGOs, and all forms of media.

The undersigned organizations note with regret that the desire on the part of the Supreme Council of

the Armed Forces to complete its mission as soon as possible is liable to lead to the establishment of

constitutional institutions in a manner that differs little from those under the Mubarak regime and will do

little to enable the forces and youth movements that led this revolution to express themselves politically

in new political parties and independent media. Indeed, as it currently stands,


the outcome of the coming elections will continue to be disputed by the ability of NDP members to mobilize factional sentiment and money and the organizational ability of the Muslim Brotherhood to employ religion and charitable work to attract votes.

We further stress that the blood shed by Egyptians to confront tyranny and restore their freedom and

dignity makes it indispensable to provide a climate and adequate safeguards to ensure the realization of

their aspirations by engaging in a real democratic transition and the construction of genuine

constitutional institutions—the noble goals for which they shed their blood.

The democratic transition process – under

the joint leadership of a presidential council and a new civil government

– should enjoy the wide partnership of the people represented in the forces that led the

revolution – women and men – and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. This needs opening an

institutional dialogue with political parties and groups and civil society, led by youth groups who have

instigated the revolution. The dialogue should not be reduced to discussion with individuals and must

provide the opportunity for the widest societal dialogue to make the aspired future.

The undersigned organizations stress that the democratic transition requires the

rapid formation of a temporary presidential council composed of independent civilian figures along with a representative of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to assume the task of forming a transitional, technocratic government.

The presidential council should form a constituent assembly

responsible for drafting a


new constitution that reflects the aspirations of the Egyptian people, as

expressed in the revolution, for a civil state that is impartial toward all religions and beliefs



the establishment of democratic parliamentary governance



This council should also immediately

take the necessary measures to ensure the exercise of civil liberties to enable equitable and fair

parliamentary and presidential elections, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination on the

basis of sex or other considerations, and guarantee representation and expression for opinions and ideas

across the political spectrum. The undersigned organizations stress on the importance of putting in place

sufficient guarantees for the representation of youth and women in the interim civil government and the

constituent assembly drafting the new constitution.


We caution that holding elections after only minor constitutional revisions threatens

aspirations for a real separation and balance of powers


and runs the risk of preserving the same

dictatorial prerogatives enjoyed by the president in the suspended constitution, with no accountability or

genuine parliamentary oversight. This threatens the perpetuation of the same autocratic system, only

without Mubarak and some of his supporters.




Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies



Al Nadim Center for Treatment and Psychological Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence



Alliance for Arab Women



Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT)



Arab Penal Reform Organization



Arabic Network for Human Rights Information



Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression



Association of the Women Development Forum



Cairo Center for Development

10. C


enter for Egyptian Women’s Legal Aid



Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement



Egyptian Foundation for Family Development



Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights



Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination



Helwan Foundation for Community Development – Bashayer



Hesham Mubarak Law Center



Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners



Land Center for Human Rights



Nazra Association for Feminist Studies



New Women Foundation



Women and Memory Forum



Youth Coalition of the Egyptian Revolution

?s=96&d=mm&r=g The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for


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The Supreme Council of Armed Forces is urged to open the doors for

democratic transformation and secure accountability of the Mubarak







































Press release From Civil Society Organizations 


March 1, 2011

The undersigned Egyptian human rights organizations are closely following the efforts of the Supreme

Council of the Armed Forces as it manages the country’s affairs in this difficult period, during which the council must assume its responsibilities and honor its vows to respond to the demands and aspirations of the Egyptian people as expressed in the January 25 revolution. Additionally, it must face the repercussions of the overthrow of the Mubarak regime and the disintegration and suspicious withdrawal of the security establishment that accompanied it. The Council must also expose and curb the catastrophic consequences of theft, financial and administrative corruption, and the ruination of the country’s political life perpetrated by a broad network of interests, including the office of the presidency, prominent figures of what was previously known as the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), and influential leaders within the parliament and the executive branch.

We realize that the armed forces acted as a pillar of support for the Egyptian revolution, helping to

achieve its first goal of the removal of the former president and the dissolution of the People’s Assembly

and Shura Council, which were stigmatized and delegitimized by flagrantly fraudulent elections.

Nevertheless, the undersigned organizations feel growing concern about the path being taken in the

transitional phase, which should presumably lay the foundation for a democratic, civil state that respects

human rights—the overriding goal for which Egyptians made costly sacrifices.

In this context, we make the following observations:

1. Making a clean break with the former dictator’s regime required the immediate removal of

the government created by him to mislead the people and contain their revolution. Attempts to repair

this government with piecemeal changes will not dispel the legitimate fears many people feel about

the political survival of certain figures close to the deposed president and cannot so easily shirk their

responsibility for both the wide range of crimes committed during Mubarak’s tenure and the

criminal misinformation campaigns designed to discredit the goals of the revolution and incite

against those who were part of it.

2. Making a clean break with the policies and crimes of the Mubarak regime, restoring the

rule of law, and subordinating state institutions to that law requires more decisive, transparent steps

to hold accountable and punish figures responsible for crimes and grave abuses committed under

Mubarak’s regime in public and fair trials.

We regret to note that measures taken thus far seem selective and not aimed at establishing a

legal system for accountability and punishment or announcing facts to the public. In particular, the

undersigned organizations note severe shortcomings, or at the very least an unjustified secrecy,

surrounding the measures that must be taken to ensure accountability for major crimes, first and


a) The identification and prosecution of those responsible for issuing orders to open fire on


b) The identification and prosecution of those responsible for giving the green light to acts of

murder and paid thuggery in the name of “loyalty to Mubarak.”

c) Making public the facts surrounding the agencies and persons responsible for the suspicious

withdrawal and disappearance of police forces and the release of prisoners and criminals from

prisons, which left the country vulnerable to widespread looting and theft.

d) Former Information Minister Anas al-Fiqqi must be prosecuted for his responsibility in

managing the media campaigns aimed at misleading public opinion, smearing participants in the

popular revolution, and the xenophobic campaign inciting hatred of foreigners.

3. Confirming the legitimacy of the demands of the Egyptian labor movement since 12

February demanding its social and economic rights, the undersigned organizations announce their

solidarity with the labor strikes and urge the Supreme Council of Armed forces to:

a) Quickly implement court decisions to set a minimum wage that is truly compatible with


b) Quickly transform temporary into permanent labor.

c) Set unemployment benefits

d) Dissolve the board of directors of the Egyptian General Federation of Trade Unions and of

the general labor unions, which their elections were held in violation to orders of the

administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.

e) Depose the heads and board members of holding companies, who took part in wasting

public money and assets, crushing national industry, and overlooking labor rights.

4. Making a clean break with the police state, the systematic practices of torture, involuntary

disappearance, and murder, and the executive’s control of the Public Prosecutor’s Office that have

existed in Egypt for several decades requires the dissolution of the State Security apparatus. It is

unfortunate that the leaders of this agency—responsible for grave human rights abuses, the destruction of

political life, and the undermining of Egyptians’ dignity—are still walking the streets freely. Thus far the

public has been given only brief statements indicating that the director of the agency has been suspended

and is being investigated, with no clarification as to the nature of these investigations. In addition, the

Supreme Council of the Armed Forces should open an immediate investigation in the documented

reports indicating the involvement of members of the Military Police in cases of arbitrary detention and

torture of detainees during the last period and refer those responsible to trial.

We have previously stated that


the coming elections, both parliamentary and presidential,

should come at the end of a transitional period of no less than one year during which civil liberties

are fully respected, particularly the freedom to establish political parties


, trade unions, NGOs, and all forms of media.

The undersigned organizations note with regret that the desire on the part of the Supreme Council of

the Armed Forces to complete its mission as soon as possible is liable to lead to the establishment of

constitutional institutions in a manner that differs little from those under the Mubarak regime and will do

little to enable the forces and youth movements that led this revolution to express themselves politically

in new political parties and independent media. Indeed, as it currently stands,


the outcome of the coming elections will continue to be disputed by the ability of NDP members to mobilize factional sentiment and money and the organizational ability of the Muslim Brotherhood to employ religion and charitable work to attract votes.

We further stress that the blood shed by Egyptians to confront tyranny and restore their freedom and

dignity makes it indispensable to provide a climate and adequate safeguards to ensure the realization of

their aspirations by engaging in a real democratic transition and the construction of genuine

constitutional institutions—the noble goals for which they shed their blood.

The democratic transition process – under

the joint leadership of a presidential council and a new civil government

– should enjoy the wide partnership of the people represented in the forces that led the

revolution – women and men – and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. This needs opening an

institutional dialogue with political parties and groups and civil society, led by youth groups who have

instigated the revolution. The dialogue should not be reduced to discussion with individuals and must

provide the opportunity for the widest societal dialogue to make the aspired future.

The undersigned organizations stress that the democratic transition requires the

rapid formation of a temporary presidential council composed of independent civilian figures along with a representative of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to assume the task of forming a transitional, technocratic government.

The presidential council should form a constituent assembly

responsible for drafting a


new constitution that reflects the aspirations of the Egyptian people, as

expressed in the revolution, for a civil state that is impartial toward all religions and beliefs



the establishment of democratic parliamentary governance



This council should also immediately

take the necessary measures to ensure the exercise of civil liberties to enable equitable and fair

parliamentary and presidential elections, based on the principle of equality and non-discrimination on the

basis of sex or other considerations, and guarantee representation and expression for opinions and ideas

across the political spectrum. The undersigned organizations stress on the importance of putting in place

sufficient guarantees for the representation of youth and women in the interim civil government and the

constituent assembly drafting the new constitution.


We caution that holding elections after only minor constitutional revisions threatens

aspirations for a real separation and balance of powers


and runs the risk of preserving the same

dictatorial prerogatives enjoyed by the president in the suspended constitution, with no accountability or

genuine parliamentary oversight. This threatens the perpetuation of the same autocratic system, only

without Mubarak and some of his supporters.




Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies



Al Nadim Center for Treatment and Psychological Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence



Alliance for Arab Women



Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT)



Arab Penal Reform Organization



Arabic Network for Human Rights Information



Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression



Association of the Women Development Forum



Cairo Center for Development

10. C


enter for Egyptian Women’s Legal Aid



Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement



Egyptian Foundation for Family Development



Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights



Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination



Helwan Foundation for Community Development – Bashayer



Hesham Mubarak Law Center



Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners



Land Center for Human Rights



Nazra Association for Feminist Studies



New Women Foundation



Women and Memory Forum



Youth Coalition of the Egyptian Revolution