CS Releases The Ongoing Plundering of the Copts

The Ongoing Plundering of the Copts


la copt protest The Ongoing Plundering of the CoptsAs recently revealed on CTV, the unabated plundering of Egypt’s Christian Copts continues. In a village called Maghlaga, in the district of Malawi—where Muslim Brotherhood supporters earlier ransacked and plundered a museum housing Egyptian antiquities—a Muslim gang leader known as “Saddam” has been going to every one of the approximately 80 Coptic households in the village demanding jizya/extortion money from them.


Moreover, as an inhabitant of the village confirmed, Muslim Brotherhood members are behind Saddam, specifically informing him how much money each household can be squeezed of, so that most households are paying anywhere from 20,000-100,000 Egyptian Pounds (from 3-15 thousand U.S. dollars).


The village resident, Yasser, said that Saddam told the Copts that “Everyone is going to pay and whoever doesn’t pay we’ll take his son, his wife—we’ll violate the people to the utmost extreme.”


During the live news show it was revealed that in the region of Shubrat al-Khaima, another young Coptic child was kidnapped, with demands that his parents pay 250,000 EP (nearly 40,000 USD). After the father complied and met them alone with the money in a secret place, the kidnappers took the money, beat the father severely, and still kept his child.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g The Ongoing Plundering of the Copts


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la copt protest The Ongoing Plundering of the CoptsAs recently revealed on CTV, the unabated plundering of Egypt’s Christian Copts continues. In a village called Maghlaga, in the district of Malawi—where Muslim Brotherhood supporters earlier ransacked and plundered a museum housing Egyptian antiquities—a Muslim gang leader known as “Saddam” has been going to every one of the approximately 80 Coptic households in the village demanding jizya/extortion money from them.


Moreover, as an inhabitant of the village confirmed, Muslim Brotherhood members are behind Saddam, specifically informing him how much money each household can be squeezed of, so that most households are paying anywhere from 20,000-100,000 Egyptian Pounds (from 3-15 thousand U.S. dollars).


The village resident, Yasser, said that Saddam told the Copts that “Everyone is going to pay and whoever doesn’t pay we’ll take his son, his wife—we’ll violate the people to the utmost extreme.”


During the live news show it was revealed that in the region of Shubrat al-Khaima, another young Coptic child was kidnapped, with demands that his parents pay 250,000 EP (nearly 40,000 USD). After the father complied and met them alone with the money in a secret place, the kidnappers took the money, beat the father severely, and still kept his child.