CS Releases The National Salvation Front Invites to Vote "NO," Demands...

The National Salvation Front Invites to Vote “NO,” Demands Guarantees to Secure Integrity of Referendum on Constitution


3i10 The National Salvation Front Invites to Vote "NO," Demands Guarantees to Secure Integrity of Referendum on ConstitutionCoptic Solidarity endorses the following statement by Egypt’s NSF

The National Salvation Front salutes the heroic peaceful resistance by millions of citizens, in the forefront of them the judges of Egypt, in the face of the attempted kidnapping of the nation through a flawed and void draft constitution that lacks the most important conditions of a national consensus.

The NSF views that delivering the country out of the current impasse and political tension requires that the president bears his responsibility and decides to postpone the referendum for two or three months. A serious and equitable national dialogue is required in order to reach a consensus on a new draft constitution that achieves social justice, democracy and human rights, and meet popular satisfaction, befitting the January Revolution and the sacrifices of the Egyptian people.

The National Salvation Front also reaffirms the legality of all peaceful means to overthrow the current flawed Constitution.

Based on that, the NSF has decided to invite the Egyptian people to go to the polls to reject this project and vote “NO

The NSF demands the following guarantees as a condition for the integrity of the referendum:

A. Exercise judicial supervision on each ballot box.

B. Ensure adequate security outside and inside polling stations.

C. Ensure that local and international NGO observers monitor the procedures.

D. Announce the results in each polling station immediately after the voting process.

E – the completion of the referendum in one day.

The front emphasizes that unless these guarantees could be confirmed on the morning of the referendum day, we will withdraw from the referendum and call upon the masses to do so.

The NSF stresses that this referendum is not the end and that our people, along with the Front, will continue to fight to overthrow this flawed constitution and strive to establish a constitution based upon national consensus, to achieve the goals of the January 25 revolution in freedom, social justice and human dignity.


Cairo, December 12, 2012

?s=96&d=mm&r=g The National Salvation Front Invites to Vote "NO," Demands Guarantees to Secure Integrity of Referendum on Constitution


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3i10 The National Salvation Front Invites to Vote "NO," Demands Guarantees to Secure Integrity of Referendum on ConstitutionCoptic Solidarity endorses the following statement by Egypt’s NSF

The National Salvation Front salutes the heroic peaceful resistance by millions of citizens, in the forefront of them the judges of Egypt, in the face of the attempted kidnapping of the nation through a flawed and void draft constitution that lacks the most important conditions of a national consensus.

The NSF views that delivering the country out of the current impasse and political tension requires that the president bears his responsibility and decides to postpone the referendum for two or three months. A serious and equitable national dialogue is required in order to reach a consensus on a new draft constitution that achieves social justice, democracy and human rights, and meet popular satisfaction, befitting the January Revolution and the sacrifices of the Egyptian people.

The National Salvation Front also reaffirms the legality of all peaceful means to overthrow the current flawed Constitution.

Based on that, the NSF has decided to invite the Egyptian people to go to the polls to reject this project and vote “NO

The NSF demands the following guarantees as a condition for the integrity of the referendum:

A. Exercise judicial supervision on each ballot box.

B. Ensure adequate security outside and inside polling stations.

C. Ensure that local and international NGO observers monitor the procedures.

D. Announce the results in each polling station immediately after the voting process.

E – the completion of the referendum in one day.

The front emphasizes that unless these guarantees could be confirmed on the morning of the referendum day, we will withdraw from the referendum and call upon the masses to do so.

The NSF stresses that this referendum is not the end and that our people, along with the Front, will continue to fight to overthrow this flawed constitution and strive to establish a constitution based upon national consensus, to achieve the goals of the January 25 revolution in freedom, social justice and human dignity.


Cairo, December 12, 2012