Advocacy Take Action to Repeal Blasphemy Laws

Take Action to Repeal Blasphemy Laws


Take action today and send a message to your US Representative asking them to cosponsor a resolution that supports the repeal of blasphemy laws. 

Congressman Pitts, a longtime supporter of religious freedom and

human rights in Egypt, recently introduced a resolution in Congress that calls for the global repeal of blasphemy laws in general, and in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Egypt in particular.

Coptic Solidarity supports this important resolution which affirms full religious freedom for all, and has a particular focus on blasphemy laws in Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Each of these laws have a similar objectives which place a government as the arbiter of truth or religious rightness and empowers the government to discriminate against individuals and minorities by enforcing its religious views.

Often these blasphemy laws have names that would lead one to believe that they are meant to protect religion. In reality, laws are meant to protect individuals, not belief systems. Countries that have blasphemy laws say they are meant to preserve national unity and security. Yet countries with blasphemy laws are less stable, intolerant, and have more religious – based violence producing the opposite results of their stated objectives.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) reports that blasphemy cases have increased in Egypt since 2011, continuing until now under El-Sissi. Although the majority who have been accused are Muslim, a disproportionate percentage of Christians, Shi’a Muslims, and atheists have been sentenced to prison in flawed court trials.
Many of you are personally familiar with just how dangerous and hurtful blasphemy laws are to Copts and other minorities in the region. Please ask your US Representative to cosponsor H RES 290to help Egyptians enjoy equal rights and freedom to practice their faith. All you need to do is enter your name and address in the advocacy form. Your address is required to map your message to the correct US Representative. Also, your Representative does not take into account messages from individuals who do not live in their district. By providing your address, you prove you are a resident of that Congressional district. You may edit the message to make it more personalized and effective, or just send the standard form letter we have provided.
After taking action, help us build momentum by sharing the campaign with your friends and family via email or on social media. In this way we can multiply our impact!!!
Thank you for standing in solidary and advocating with us!
What does this resolution actually say? Read House Resolution 290
Want to learn more about what blasphemy laws are and how they are utilized to limit free expression and religious freedom? We recommend reading an excellent brief report on blasphemy laws published by USCIRF last year.
Organizations with a shared goal often partner together to sign letters in support of certain resolutions or bills to demonstrate priorities to Congress and ask for their support. Coptic Solidarity signs on to such initiatives when we believe it will support our goals. We recently joined a group of non-profit organizations (NGOs) and individuals in signing a letter in support of H RES 290 which was used to build Congressional support for this resolution. View NGO Letter
What is the overall state of religious freedom in Egypt? Read the Egypt Country report published by the USCIRF in 2015. The portion on Egypt starts on page 89. View Report
?s=96&d=mm&r=g Take Action to Repeal Blasphemy Laws


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Take action today and send a message to your US Representative asking them to cosponsor a resolution that supports the repeal of blasphemy laws. 

Congressman Pitts, a longtime supporter of religious freedom and

human rights in Egypt, recently introduced a resolution in Congress that calls for the global repeal of blasphemy laws in general, and in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Egypt in particular.

Coptic Solidarity supports this important resolution which affirms full religious freedom for all, and has a particular focus on blasphemy laws in Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Each of these laws have a similar objectives which place a government as the arbiter of truth or religious rightness and empowers the government to discriminate against individuals and minorities by enforcing its religious views.

Often these blasphemy laws have names that would lead one to believe that they are meant to protect religion. In reality, laws are meant to protect individuals, not belief systems. Countries that have blasphemy laws say they are meant to preserve national unity and security. Yet countries with blasphemy laws are less stable, intolerant, and have more religious – based violence producing the opposite results of their stated objectives.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) reports that blasphemy cases have increased in Egypt since 2011, continuing until now under El-Sissi. Although the majority who have been accused are Muslim, a disproportionate percentage of Christians, Shi’a Muslims, and atheists have been sentenced to prison in flawed court trials.
Many of you are personally familiar with just how dangerous and hurtful blasphemy laws are to Copts and other minorities in the region. Please ask your US Representative to cosponsor H RES 290to help Egyptians enjoy equal rights and freedom to practice their faith. All you need to do is enter your name and address in the advocacy form. Your address is required to map your message to the correct US Representative. Also, your Representative does not take into account messages from individuals who do not live in their district. By providing your address, you prove you are a resident of that Congressional district. You may edit the message to make it more personalized and effective, or just send the standard form letter we have provided.
After taking action, help us build momentum by sharing the campaign with your friends and family via email or on social media. In this way we can multiply our impact!!!
Thank you for standing in solidary and advocating with us!
What does this resolution actually say? Read House Resolution 290
Want to learn more about what blasphemy laws are and how they are utilized to limit free expression and religious freedom? We recommend reading an excellent brief report on blasphemy laws published by USCIRF last year.
Organizations with a shared goal often partner together to sign letters in support of certain resolutions or bills to demonstrate priorities to Congress and ask for their support. Coptic Solidarity signs on to such initiatives when we believe it will support our goals. We recently joined a group of non-profit organizations (NGOs) and individuals in signing a letter in support of H RES 290 which was used to build Congressional support for this resolution. View NGO Letter
What is the overall state of religious freedom in Egypt? Read the Egypt Country report published by the USCIRF in 2015. The portion on Egypt starts on page 89. View Report