Tag:US government

APCO Takes Over Egypt Government Contract From Weber Shandwick

By PR Week -Weber pulled out of the contract with the Egyptian government earlier this month.APCO Worldwide has taken over a public affairs contract...

Al Qaeda Is Starting to Swallow the Syrian Opposition

By Charles Lister – Foreign Policy -On the sixth anniversary of the Syrian uprising, moderate rebels have never been weaker — and jihadis have...

Reports On Creation Of Muslim Brotherhood Lobby In U.S. To Prevent Trump Administration From Designating The Movement A Terrorist Organization

By: C. Meital and H. Varulkar* - MEMRI -IntroductionFollowing Donald Trump's election to the U.S. presidency, the issue of designating the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)...

Why Is General Mattis Nominating the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Stooge’?

By Raymond Ibrahim - PJMedia -Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ pick for undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson, is problematic.Politico briefly explains why:If...

Mattis’ Pentagon pick seen as supporter of Muslim Brotherhood, group Trump may outlaw

By -  Fox NewsPresident Trump’s defense secretary wants the Pentagon’s top civilian job to go to a onetime prominent supporter of ousted Egyptian President...

Meet Dina Powell, Ivanka Trump’s woman in the White House

By Betsy Klein - CNNPresident-elect Donald Trump's transition Team announced the position for Powell, 43, who previously served in the Bush White House and...

CIA chief assesses states infected by ISIL may not recover ‘in my lifetime’

CIA chief assesses states infected by ISIL may not recover ‘in my lifetime’By  World Tribune September 9, 2016CIA Director John Brennan says it will take quite...