The Old Arab Fear Tactic That Came to Washington

By Nonie Darwish - Gatestone Institute The true threat to the US, the West, and even stable Arab governments, as Egypt is realizing, is...

وشهد شاهد من أهلها

كريمة كمال ـ المصري اليوم ـ فى حوارها مع لميس الحديدي، اعترفت السفيرة مشيرة خطاب بأن هناك ثلاثة أسباب للهزيمة، وهى الأسباب التى كما...

Egypt’s UNESCO Candidate Cites Civil Society Crackdown for Defeat

By POMEDOn October 16, Egypt’s former candidate for UNESCO Director-General, Moushira Khattab, revealed the potential reasons for her defeat in the UNESCO elections in...