
Jihadis Target Copts, Triggering Fears of Broader Assaults Against Religious Minority

By: Heba Saleh – Financial Times -Issaf Sameh, 10, tapped the side of his head and then his forehead to indicate where the bullets...

Copts Flee Sinai Amid ISIS Campaign Of Murder, Threats

By: R. Green - MEMRIThe following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information,...

L’exode ou la mort : les chrétiens fuient le Nord-Sinaï par centaines

Isabelle Cousturie - AleteiaAprès la vague d'homicides annoncée par Daesh, les familles chrétiennes s’enfuient par centaines et confirment "la chasse aux chrétiens" lancée dans...

Anger and desperation accompany Copts from their homes in Arish to Ismailia

By Karoline Kamel - Mada Masr -The fate of Sinai’s Coptic Christians is held between a church that closed its doors to them and...

Egypt’s Christians flee terror in north Sinai security void

By Brian Rohan - Associated Press -After Islamic militants barged into his uncle's house, shot him and his son dead, then looted the place...

Christians flee Sinai Peninsula in fear of Egypt’s Islamic State affiliate

By Sudarsan Raghavan - The Washington PostCAIRO — Hundreds of Christians are fleeing Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula as the Islamic State affiliate there has...

Copts exit al-Arish

By Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalIn the wake of the killing of six Copts throughout the last three weeks in the North Sinai town...

Christian killed in Sinai, sixth in a month: Egypt officials

By Egypt IndependentEgyptian security officials say suspected Islamic militants gunned down a Coptic Christian inside his home in northern Sinai, the sixth such killing in...