
Hidden writing in ancient desert monastery manuscripts

By Fleur Macdonald - BBC NewsFor a monk who lives in the Sinai desert in Egypt, in the world's oldest working monastery, Father Justin...

ISIS Steps Up Threats To Tourists, Christians, Government, Military In Egypt As Elections Approach

By MEMRIAhead of the Egyptian presidential elections (slated for March 26-28), and in light of the large-scale campaign launched by the Egyptian military against...

The Peril of Saudi Expansion in the Gulf of Aqaba

By Cynthia Farahat - American ThinkerOriginally published under the title "Gulf of Aqaba Treaty: a Saudi Repudiation of the Camp David Accords."After more than...

Coptic Christians Targeted By ISIS Say Egyptian Government Not Helping

By Stoyan Zaimov - Christian Post (via AINA) -Coptic Christian families from North Sinai in Egypt, who have been displaced following numerous attacks by...

Sinai: eighth El-Arish Copt killed in targeted attack

By WorldWatch MonitorNabil Saber Ayoub Mansour became the eighth Egyptian Coptic Christian to be murdered in El-Arish, northern Sinai, this year in what appear to...

Islamists shoot dead Arish Copt who returned home

By Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalThe Copt Nabil Saber Fawzy, 40, who was among the Copts who had fled the North Sinai town of...

Ancient Sinai monastery targeted by Islamic militants in Egypt a week after Coptic church bombings

By James Macintyre - Christian TodayIslamist gunmen attacked security forces near St Catherine's Monastery in Egypt's south Sinai yesterday, killing at least one police...

Tally of Coptic families displaced from al-Arish

Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalEgyptian Ministry of Solidarity has reported that until today the number of families displaced from the North Sinai town of...