
Malaysian Federal Court refuses four people their right to affirm Christian identity

By WorldWatch MonitorMalaysia’s highest court dismissed an appeal today (27 February) against four appellants who wanted to be formally recognised as Christians.The five judges...

Living in Pakistan – A Hell for Non-Muslims

By Rahat John Austin - Gatestone Institute In Pakistan, Muslims burn the homes of non-Muslims, burn their places of worship, burn their holy books, even...

Tunisian Religious Reforms Challenge Egypt’s Al Azhar

By Hany Ghoraba - Special to IPT NewsTunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi marched straight into a battle with Egypt's highest Sunni authority, Al-Azhar's mosque...

The Peril of Saudi Expansion in the Gulf of Aqaba

By Cynthia Farahat - American ThinkerOriginally published under the title "Gulf of Aqaba Treaty: a Saudi Repudiation of the Camp David Accords."After more than...

Soft Sharia in Turkey

By Burak Bekdil - The Gatestone InstituteThe good news about Turkish justice is that despite 15 years of not-so-creeping Islamization, court verdicts do not...

ISIL’s multi-pronged terror strikes kill 89 in 3 countries

ISIL’s multi-pronged terror strikes kill 89 in 3 countriesBy World TribuneJune 29, 2016Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), which promised to unleash mass...

Al Azhar: Islam Demands Theocratic Rule

Al Azhar: Islam Demands Theocratic RuleBy Raymond Ibrahim (special for Coptic Solidarity)June 30, 2016What is the role of Islam in Muslim society? Is it...