Tag:Saudi Arabia

Christians should not be second-class citizens, cardinal tells Saudi Arabia

By Philip Pullella - ReutersFrench cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran’s trip, the first by such a senior Catholic figure, raised hopes of more openness in the...

Is the West finally pushing Saudi Arabia to squelch its version of radical Islam?

By Nina Shea - Fox NewsThe West is showing evidence of a newly stiffened spine in the face of Saudi Arabian influence on Islamic...

The Middle East Is Nearing an Explosion

By Robert Malley - The AtlanticFear is the one thing preventing it—but could also precipitate it.BEIRUT—Lebanon has long been a mirror for the broader...

Egypt: second Copt in two years dies mysteriously in same Army unit – this time on his first day

By World Watch MonitorThe family of a Coptic Christian soldier who died last month on his first day at work – in the same...

On Radical Islam, Trump Has Lost His Focus

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali – The Wall Street JournalThere’s no ‘extreme vetting,’ no outreach to moderates, and too much coziness with Riyadh.Candidate Donald Trump...

The Peril of Saudi Expansion in the Gulf of Aqaba

By Cynthia Farahat - American ThinkerOriginally published under the title "Gulf of Aqaba Treaty: a Saudi Repudiation of the Camp David Accords."After more than...

Western Leaders: Pressure Saudis to Give Christians Religious Rights

By Hilal Khashan - The HillPrince Mohammed met with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in Silicon Valley last June. Three months earlier, Saudi Grand Mufti Abdul...

Will Cairo reverse decision to transfer islands to Riyadh?

By Ayah Aman – Al-MonitorAs the Egyptian government defends in court its maritime border agreement with Saudi Arabia that transferred two Red Sea islands...