Tag:President Trump

Sisi, Trump, and the Politics of Designating the Muslim Brotherhood

By Clifford Smith - National ReviewThe group uses violent means when necessary to advance its Islamist agenda.Hopes that the Trump administration will designate the...

Congressional Meetings Bring Criticism for al-Sisi

By POMEDEgyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi met with numerous congressional leaders and members in Washington on Tuesday. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued a...

U.S. Resets Relations With Egypt

By Dr. Henry Srebrnik, Professor of Political Science - University of Prince Edward IslandAs turbulent a country as ever, Egypt, in the last six...

‘They called my husband an infidel and killed him”

By Bel Trew - The Times (UK)Two Isis fighters wielding guns approached their target. Bahgat Zakhar, 58, was an Egyptian Copt on a “kill...

Sisi’s Egypt is a Poor Partner for the United States in the Fight Against Terrorism

By Neil Hicks, Human Rights FirstEgyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi will visit President Trump at the White House next week. The visit comes at...

When Sisi Meets Trump

By Lofty Basta MD, FRCP, FACCSisi, the President of Egypt championed equality and justice for ALL Egyptian citizens. Egyptians hope and pray that he...

Why Is General Mattis Nominating the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Stooge’?

By Raymond Ibrahim - PJMedia -Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ pick for undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson, is problematic.Politico briefly explains why:If...

Mattis’ Pentagon pick seen as supporter of Muslim Brotherhood, group Trump may outlaw

By -  Fox NewsPresident Trump’s defense secretary wants the Pentagon’s top civilian job to go to a onetime prominent supporter of ousted Egyptian President...