Tag:President Trump

Trump announces a strategic worldview in sharp contrast to Obama’s

 By WorldTribunePresident Donald Trump’s today announces his national security strategy that views the world as a competitive arena in which the USA is returning...

Sisi and Trump’s Good Relations Don’t Define US Policy

By Hatem Maher - MENASource - The Atlantic -When President Donald Trump won the US presidential election late last year, Egyptian media coverage praising...

Egypt: second Copt in two years dies mysteriously in same Army unit – this time on his first day

By World Watch MonitorThe family of a Coptic Christian soldier who died last month on his first day at work – in the same...

On Radical Islam, Trump Has Lost His Focus

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali – The Wall Street JournalThere’s no ‘extreme vetting,’ no outreach to moderates, and too much coziness with Riyadh.Candidate Donald Trump...

A Christian Ban?

By Lolita Brayman – Foreign Policy -The Trump administration has decided to deport Iraqi Christians back to their dangerous homeland, and the timing is...

After Backing Trump, Christians Who Fled Iraq Fall Into His Dragnet

By Vivian Yee – The New York Times -A few Sundays ago, federal immigration agents walked through the doors of handsome houses here in...

US Senators Send President Trump Letter Regarding Egypt’s NGO Law

On June 19, 2017, ten U.S. Senators sent a letter to President Trump regarding Egypt's new NGO law that imposes draconian measures on civil...

Judith Miller: Trump, Egypt and the future

By Judith Miller - FOX NewsThe Palm Sunday bombings of Coptic churches in Egypt are a tragedy for Egyptian Christians, the Middle East’s oldest...