Tag:Persecuted Christian Copts

8th Annual Conference Video – Speeches by Members of U.S. Congress

View speeches made by U.S. legislators at Coptic Solidarity’s 8th Annual Policy Day. This event was hosted on June 15, 2017, at the U.S....

Palm Sunday Bombing Underscores Depth of Egypt’s Anti-Christian Bigotry

By John Rossomando - IPT NewsSuicide bombings of two Coptic churches in Egypt Sunday by ISIS terrorists should not be viewed in isolation. The...

What Palm Sunday Means to Egypt’s Copts

By Samuel Tadros - The Atlantic -Christianity was born in pain in the country. An attack on a holy day is another bloody symbol of...

Egypt’s Christians are being driven out – will the world notice?

By Matt Hadro - CNA/EWTN News -A spike in attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt, spurred by a video threat from ISIS, has drawn...