Tag:Muslim Brotherhood

Reports On Creation Of Muslim Brotherhood Lobby In U.S. To Prevent Trump Administration From Designating The Movement A Terrorist Organization

By: C. Meital and H. Varulkar* - MEMRI -IntroductionFollowing Donald Trump's election to the U.S. presidency, the issue of designating the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)...

Why Is General Mattis Nominating the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’s Stooge’?

By Raymond Ibrahim - PJMedia -Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ pick for undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson, is problematic.Politico briefly explains why:If...

Mattis’ Pentagon pick seen as supporter of Muslim Brotherhood, group Trump may outlaw

By -  Fox NewsPresident Trump’s defense secretary wants the Pentagon’s top civilian job to go to a onetime prominent supporter of ousted Egyptian President...

“Moderate” Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Terrorist’s Death

By John Rossomando - IPT NewsCalls for revenge and glowing eulogies for Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman by the Muslim Brotherhood and its followers dealt...

Seeking to secure Sinai, Egypt builds closer ties with Hamas

By  Reuters -After years of strained relations, Egypt is moving closer to Hamas in Gaza, offering concessions on trade and free movement in return...

The Muslim Brotherhood: Wellspring of Terrorism

By Judith Bergman -Gatestone Institute The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt released an official statement calling on its supporters to "prepare" for "jihad", in January...

The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE’s Terrorist Organization List

By Steven Emerson - IPT NewsOn Nov. 16, 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) took the unusual step of designating the Council on American-Islamic...

Coptic Solidarity Interview with Logos TV on Muslim Brotherhood Bill

https://youtu.be/y3fUz9mei6o?t=1h11m57s ______________________