Tag:Muslim Brotherhood

Designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terrorist Entity

By Gatestone Institute - Tom Quiggin -  It can be said that Hamas has more than mere "ties" to the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, its...

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Finds Favor Again

By Abdallah Hendawy and Geneive Abdo - BloombergLike his predecessors, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has found the group impossible to ignore.More than four years after Egypt’s Muslim...

Terrorism’s Muslim Brotherhood roots

By Abdel-Moneim Said - Al-Ahram WeeklyThe US government has recently released to the public a large batch of documents that were recovered in the...

US Lawmakers Renew Call to Designate Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization

By POMEDA group of U.S. lawmakers reportedly sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urging him to consider designating the Muslim Brotherhood...

‘Journalist’ Ayat Oraby: Mainstream or Extreme?

By Samantha Mandeles - The American SpectatorGovernments around the world offered statements of sympathy to the Egyptian government over one of deadliest attacks against...

Rape Accusations Rip the Mask Off Tariq Ramadan’s “Pose”

By Abigail R. Esman - Special to IPT News"Islam has no problems with women," Tariq Ramadan once said, "But Muslims clearly have serious problems with them."The...

Georgetown University Stumps for the Muslim Brotherhood

By Andrew Harrod - The American SpectatorThe Muslim Brotherhood "is traditionally a reformist, gradualist movement is working on social change," stated the...

Following Death Of Former Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mahdi ‘Akef: Translations Of His Statements 2004-2011

From The MEMRI ArchivesIn September 22, 2017, former Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide Mahdi 'Akef (89) died in Cairo; he had held that position from...