
The Egyptian Cause and the Coptic Cause

By Magdi Khalil -In order to make matters well -defined and clear and to avoid confusion, we state that there is an Egyptian cause...

President of Cairo University Takes Steps to End Religious Discrimination on Campus

By ICC - Egypt Correspondent -Gaber Nassar, president of Cairo University, has taken action to end religious discrimination at his institution for good. In...

Why Freedom of Religion and Belief Is Particularly Relevant

By Professor the Lord Alton of Liverpool -Independent Crossbench Member of the House of Lords Draft Remarks: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Presentation October 19th 2017The...

تصحيح المفاهيم الملتبسة لدى الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت

تصحيح المفاهيم الملتبسة لدى الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوتمجدى خليلأول الملاحظات أن الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت تحدثت بالعربية مبررة ذلك أنها تريد أن توجه كلامها إلى «الدول...