Tag:Middle East

Syrian Christian spearheads ‘one million voices’ petition to support Church to stay in ME

By World Watch MonitorA Syrian Christian now living in the UK is helping to bring hope for the future to his native land as...

The Time Is Now For Urgent Middle East Reform

By Alberto M. FernandezIt is all too easy today to look at the Middle East and throw up one's hands in deep despair, at...

Middle East Christianity Won’t Disappear Without a Fight

Middle East Christianity Won’t Disappear Without a FightBy Kathryn Jean Lopez - NRO (via AINA)September 3, 2016There's a "memoricide" happening in the Middle East,...

Christianity Belongs in the Middle East

Christianity Belongs in the Middle EastBy Prince Hassan of Jordan and Ed Kessler, The TelegraphAugust 25, 2016Christianity has been part of the essential fabric...

Insult after Injury: Understanding Egypt’s “Reconciliation Meetings”

Insult after Injury: Understanding Egypt’s “Reconciliation Meetings”By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic SolidarityAugust 8, 2016 We often hear about Egypt’s Christians being attacked by...

West turns blind eye toward Islam’s attack on Middle East Christians: patriarch

West turns blind eye toward Islam’s attack on Middle East Christians: patriarchBy LifeSiteNewsAugust 5, 2016Developed countries motivated by a need for oil and desire...

Religious Intolerance in the Gulf States

Religious Intolerance in the Gulf StatesBy Hilal Khashan, Middle East Quarterly -Summer 2016Interest in the state of Middle East Christians has largely focused on the...

Genocide of Christians in the Path of ISIL: An Interview with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

Genocide of Christians in the Path of ISIL: An Interview with Cardinal Theodore McCarrickNina Shea, DM - Order of Malta, Federal AssociationJuly 21, 2016 On March...