
Islamic Fellow Travelers On The Road To Bigotry And Mass Murder

By: Alberto M. Fernandez - MEMRI -The spectacular acts of slaughter and mayhem perpetrated by the Islamic State (ISIS) and its unabashed, prolific justification...

Live Footage: Muslim Mob Attacks Coptic Homes in Beni Sueif after Friday Prayers

Live Footage: Muslim Mob Attacks Coptic Homes in Beni Sueif after Friday PrayersAttacks on Copts are spreading to other provinces:Below are two clips showing...

Call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House – August 2, 2016

Call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House - August 2, 2016By Coptic SolidarityJuly 22, 2016 Coptic Solidarity, in collaboration with activists concerned...

Muslim Brotherhood: From the Ballot Box to the Caliphate

Muslim Brotherhood: From the Ballot Box to the CaliphateBy Eric Trager, Wall Street JournalJuly 17, 2016Even when elected, Islamists foment instability.In June 2012, Muslim...

Congressman Dave Trott Makes Statement on Muslim Brotherhood

Congressman Dave Trott Makes Statement on Muslim Brotherhood Representative Dave Trott (R-MI) released a video on April 13, 2016 in which  he condemns in a...

Islamic Salafi Party Demolishes Iconic Statue Because It’s an “Idol,” Says Cleric

Islamic Salafi Party Demolishes Iconic Statue Because It’s an “Idol,” Says ClericBy Coptic SolidarityApril 13, 2016While the world watches as the Islamic State wantonly destroys...

Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder: annihilate terror groups or they annihilate you

Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder: annihilate terror groups or they annihilate youBy Khalid Hassan, Al-MonitorApril 7, 2016CAIRO — The Egyptian army's military campaigns continue to target...

Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi’s Egypt

Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi's EgyptBy Raymond Ibrahim - The Gatestone InstituteApril 6, 2016Despite Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's many pluralistic words and gestures, which...