Tag:Islamic terrorism

Christianity and Judaism Create Terrorism No Less than Islam, Says Egypt’s leading Muslim Cleric; Bemoans World’s “Double Standards” and “Islamophobia”

By Raymond Ibrahim - Special to Coptic SolidarityEgypt’s leading Muslim cleric and head of Al Azhar, Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb, recently spoke before the religious...

الدواعش» انتصروا ذهنياً»

د. خالد منتصر ـ تكرّر فى الإعلام سؤال استنكارى، وهو: هل يقتل المسيحى وحده فى سيناء؟، الإجابة يقتل الجندى المسلم والجندى المسيحى هناك، لا تفرقة،...

Christians flee Sinai Peninsula in fear of Egypt’s Islamic State affiliate

By Sudarsan Raghavan - The Washington PostCAIRO — Hundreds of Christians are fleeing Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula as the Islamic State affiliate there has...

Copts exit al-Arish

By Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalIn the wake of the killing of six Copts throughout the last three weeks in the North Sinai town...

Bombing at Egypt’s Main Coptic Christian Cathedral Kills 25

By The Associated Press/NYT -A bombing at a chapel adjacent to Egypt's main Coptic Christian cathedral killed 25 people and wounded another 49 during...

Britain Bans Three Iraqi Assyrian Bishops From Entering Country

By Caroline Wheeler – Express UK (via AINA)If you love Jesus, you will die like JesusThree archbishops from war-torn Iraq and Syria have been...

ISIS Crucified Assyrians in Iraq

By Katie Mansfield – Express UK (via AINA) 'If you love Jesus, you will die like Jesus' Christians who fled their homes when ISIS took control...

Islamic State in Egypt beheads Sinai clerics mistaken for priests

By Associated Press –WPThe Islamic State affiliate in Egypt says it has beheaded two men that it mistakenly described in a statement as priests,...