Tag:Islamic extremism

Christians Warn Against al-Azhar Influence in Egypt’s Curriculum

By Claire Evans - International Christian ConcernDuring the last year, Egypt’s Christians experienced persecution in ever increasing waves. Though ISIS accounted for the vast majority...

Egypt: second Copt in two years dies mysteriously in same Army unit – this time on his first day

By World Watch MonitorThe family of a Coptic Christian soldier who died last month on his first day at work – in the same...

On Radical Islam, Trump Has Lost His Focus

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali – The Wall Street JournalThere’s no ‘extreme vetting,’ no outreach to moderates, and too much coziness with Riyadh.Candidate Donald Trump...

The Rise of the Violent Muslim Brotherhood

By Mokhtar Awad - Hudson InstituteThe past four years witnessed a significant transformation inside the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the impact of which will likely...