
‘Al -Ahram Columnist: “Despite Al-Sisi’s Call for Revolution in Religious Discourse, Al-Azhar Scholars Continue on their Extremist Path”

'Al -Ahram Columnist: "Despite Al-Sisi's Call for Revolution in Religious Discourse, Al-Azhar Scholars Continue on their Extremist Path"By MEMRIAugust 24, 2016Al-Azhar's Poisonous Curricula Are...

Coptic Bishop: Egypt’s Christians Attacked ‘Every 2-3 Days’

Coptic Bishop: Egypt’s Christians Attacked ‘Every 2-3 Days’By Coptic SolidarityJuly 22, 2016After the latest round of attacks on Egypt’s Christian minority—which saw at least...

Egypt Must Pass Church Building Law That Breaks Conditions of Servitude

Egypt Must Pass Church Building Law That Breaks Conditions of ServitudeA Coptic Solidarity StatementJuly 22, 2016The 2014 Egyptian Constitution includes various aspirational guarantees of...

Live Footage: Muslim Mob Attacks Coptic Homes in Beni Sueif after Friday Prayers

Live Footage: Muslim Mob Attacks Coptic Homes in Beni Sueif after Friday PrayersAttacks on Copts are spreading to other provinces:Below are two clips showing...

Call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House – August 2, 2016

Call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House - August 2, 2016By Coptic SolidarityJuly 22, 2016 Coptic Solidarity, in collaboration with activists concerned...

Muslim Brotherhood: From the Ballot Box to the Caliphate

Muslim Brotherhood: From the Ballot Box to the CaliphateBy Eric Trager, Wall Street JournalJuly 17, 2016Even when elected, Islamists foment instability.In June 2012, Muslim...

Coptic Bishop: Egypt ‘diseased’ with discrimination

Coptic Bishop: Egypt ‘diseased’ with discriminationBy World Watch MonitorJuly 14, 2016An Egyptian bishop has called for an end to discrimination against the country’s Christians,...

All defendants implicated in assault of Coptic woman, sectarian violence in Minya released

All defendants implicated in assault of Coptic woman, sectarian violence in Minya releasedBy Mada MasrJuly 14, 2016Eight defendants accused of rioting and violence in...