
Medieval Christians Distorted Koran to Prevent Islam from Spreading to Europe?

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic SolidarityWhile discussing the history of the Quran in Europe during a televised interview on the Arabic-language program,...

Cairo University President Mohamed Al-Khosht: Reform Of Religious Discourse Is Not Enough, We Need To Revive Religion Itself

By MEMRI -President of Cairo University Mohamed Al-Khosht called for a "completely new religious discourse," saying that "reformed discourse" was not enough and calling...

Islam vs. Non-Muslims: Doctrinal Sources

By Raymond Ibrahim -MEF-Because Islam gets criticized for many things — from hostility to modernity and democracy to calls for theocratic rule, radical "patriarchy,"...

Rift widens between Egyptian president, Al-Azhar

By Shahira Amin - Al MonitorWhen Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, then defense minister, gave a televised speech on July 3, 2013, announcing that...

All Art Is “Immoral,” Says “Moderate” Sheikh Al Azhar

By Raymond Ibrahim - Special to Coptic Solidarity -Art has a largely negative impact on human morality. So says Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand...

Trump to American Muslims: Embrace Christianity, Pay Jizya, or Die?

By Raymond Ibrahim - Published in Frontpage MagazineAs American liberals/leftists continue to portray Donald Trump’s immigration ban on seven Muslim nations in the worst...

American Historian: Trump Does Not Look at the Muslim Brotherhood Like Obama; I Expect It Will Be Banned

By Abdelaziz Al-Sharafy - Al-WatanAmerican historian and analyst Daniel Pipes said he expects that the bill put forward by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz to classify...

Fmr. Jordanian FM Marwan Al-Muasher: We Must Vanquish Terror Groups Ideologically, Not Just Militarily

By MEMRIFormer Jordanian Foreign Minister Marwan Al-Muasher said, in a recent TV interview, that the education systems in the Arab world had "failed miserably,"...