Jordanian Figure Nahed Hattar Assassinated outside Jordanian Court

Jordanian Figure Nahed Hattar Assassinated outside Jordanian CourtBy Jadaliyya On the morning of Sunday 25 September 2016, a gunman shot Jordanian writer and opposition figure...

Genocide and Persecution: What’s Next for Iraq’s Christians?

Genocide and Persecution: What’s Next for Iraq's Christians?By Matt Hadro – Catholic.org (via AINA)September 10, 2016"Together, we will advocate for the Christian, Yazidi, and other...

My Boy,3, was Brainwashed to Kill for ISIS

My Boy,3, was Brainwashed to Kill for ISISThe Sunday TimesSeptember 11, 2016 By the time he was 11, Ahmed could use an AK-47, move like a...

Christianity Belongs in the Middle East

Christianity Belongs in the Middle EastBy Prince Hassan of Jordan and Ed Kessler, The TelegraphAugust 25, 2016Christianity has been part of the essential fabric...

How Do Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Go Over in the Middle East? Dangerously.

How Do Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Go Over in the Middle East? Dangerously.By Michael Wahid Hanna and Daniel BenaimuagAug 16, 2016In November 2015, a cartoon...

ISIS Says it Killed Coptic Christian Priest in Egypt For ‘Fighting Islam’

ISIS Says it Killed Coptic Christian Priest in Egypt For ‘Fighting Islam’By Egyptian StreetsA snapshot from a video released on Twitter by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis...

Obama claims ISIL ‘contained’, but CIA reports ‘six functioning armies’ in Mideast, Africa

Obama claims ISIL ‘contained’, but CIA reports ‘six functioning armies’ in Mideast, AfricaBy World TribuneJune 23, 2016Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is...

ماذا قالت الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت فى مقالتين وبيان؟!

ماذا قالت الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت فى مقالتين وبيان؟!مجدى خليلجاءت الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت للتحدث أمام مؤتمر «التضامن القبطي» بواشنطن، ورجعت وكتبت مقالين وبيانا. لن أتحدث...