Tag:IRF Ministerial

Coptic Solidarity Applauds First Ministerial to Promote Religious Freedom

By Coptic Solidarity - The US government (USG) recently hosted the first ever Ministerial to advance Religious Freedom in Washington, DC, July 24 – 26....

Potomac Declaration Issued During Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Potomac DeclarationIssued During Ministerial to Advance Religious FreedomJuly 24-26, 2018Preamble:The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims in Article 18 that “everyone has the right...

State Department religious freedom summit ends with commitments, critiques

By Adelle M. Banks - Religion News Service - The State Department concluded its first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Thursday (July 26), with declarations...

Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Laws

Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Lawsبيان بشأن قوانين التجديف والردةنقف معا بصفتنا ممثلين للمجتمع الدولي دعما لحريتي الدين والتعبير المترابطتين. نحن نعارض بشكل صارم القوانين التي...

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Religious persecution in Iran, China must end now

By Michael R. Pompeo - USA TodayAround the world, religious minorities are persecuted and stripped of human rights. This is an issue many countries...

Remarks by Vice President Pence at Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

By US White House -July 26, 2018Thank you, Secretary Pompeo.  To the Secretary, to Ambassador Brownback, to Administrator Green, Director Mulvaney, to the representatives...