Tag:foreign aid

Senators, stop the Middle East genocide — bring aid bill to the floor

By Stephen Hollingshead and Loay Mikael - The HillThe horrors of the ISIS genocide continue, and the most deliberative body in the world is...

Exclusive: U.S. to withhold up to $290 million in Egypt aid

By Reuters -The United States has decided to deny Egypt $95.7 million in aid and to delay a further $195 million because of its...

Churches Cancel Summer Activities on Terrorist Threats

By Watani -Churches in Egypt have cancelled their summer activities, mainly trips to monasteries or holy sites, spiritual retreats or conventions, and in many...

U.S. House Appropriations Draft Bill Calls for $1.45 billion for Egypt Aid

By POMED -The U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs released its Fiscal Year 2018 draft appropriations bill...

Egypt on the Hill: Criticism, Praise, and Policy

By Christian Bischoff - POMEDThe issue of U.S. policy toward Egypt has come up in four congressional hearings held in the past two weeks....

Egypt ripped at Senate foreign aid hearing

By Pecquet -Congress Pulse,  Al MonitorA bipartisan panel of experts ripped Egypt as a floundering authoritarian state April 25 and urged Congress to rethink...

Judith Miller: Trump, Egypt and the future

By Judith Miller - FOX NewsThe Palm Sunday bombings of Coptic churches in Egypt are a tragedy for Egyptian Christians, the Middle East’s oldest...

‘They called my husband an infidel and killed him”

By Bel Trew - The Times (UK)Two Isis fighters wielding guns approached their target. Bahgat Zakhar, 58, was an Egyptian Copt on a “kill...