
Christians Warn Against al-Azhar Influence in Egypt’s Curriculum

By Claire Evans - International Christian ConcernDuring the last year, Egypt’s Christians experienced persecution in ever increasing waves. Though ISIS accounted for the vast majority...

برلماني أمريكي: لن نسمح بتمويل منظمات حقوق الإنسان التي تُشوه مصر

الأربعاء 14-02-2018 17:39 | كتب: بسام رمضانقال عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي، دانا روباكر، إنّ المِصريين بِحاجة لأنْ يَعلموا أنّ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عَلى عِلمٍ بِحجم التضحيات...

An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)

By Bassam Ramadan - Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 -(Translated by Coptic Solidarity)  A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that...

Egypt Honors Slain Coptic Christians, But Fails to Protect the Living

By Lela Gilbert - NewsMaxA touching news story surfaced a few days ago, briefly casting a flicker of light across Egypt’s shadowy heartland.The report...

ISIS Steps Up Threats To Tourists, Christians, Government, Military In Egypt As Elections Approach

By MEMRIAhead of the Egyptian presidential elections (slated for March 26-28), and in light of the large-scale campaign launched by the Egyptian military against...

Congressman Ed Royce Leads Congressional Visit to Egypt

By - POMEDHouse Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Western Hemisphere Subcommittee Chairman Paul Cook (R-CA) traveled to Egypt and met with Foreign Affairs Minister Sameh Shoukry on Monday. The officials...

“We are Copts. And we are ready for anything”

By Paul de Dinechin - Aletieia “We know that other attacks are likely to happen at any time."The wounds have not yet healed in Egypt,...

Coptic Solidarity Commemorates Third Anniversary of Coptic Martyrs

For Immediate Release(Washington, DC) February 15, 2018Three years ago, on this day, February 15, 2015 ISIS released a video titled “A Message Signed With...