Tag:Dr. George Gurguis

Christians Must Support Their Brothers and Sisters – By Clarion Project

By Clarion Project -An Interview with Coptic Solidarity President, Dr. George GurguisThe Church is in free-fall in the Middle East. The once vibrant Christian...

9th Annual Conference Opening Remarks By CS President, Dr. George Gurguis

By George Gurguis, MD - President of Coptic SolidarityGood morning. I would like to welcome you and thank you for attending Coptic Solidarity’s ninth...

د. جورج جرجس رئيس مُنظَّمة التّضامن القبطيّ

شِهادة أمام لجنة توم لانتوس لحُقوق الإنسان"مصر: حُقوق الإنسان بعد سبع سنوات من الثّورة"6 ديسمبر 2017أودُّ أن أشكر الرّئيسيْن المُشاركيْن، النّائبيْن هولتغرين وماكجفرن، على...

Dr. George Gurguis, President, Coptic Solidarity Testimony Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

Dr. George Gurguis, President, Coptic Solidarity Testimony Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission“Egypt: Human Rights Seven Years After the Revolution”December 6, 2017I would...