
Egypt’s Coptic Christians face renewal of violence

By Henry Srebrnik - The Chronicle Herald - Canada -On Dec. 11, a bomb ripped through the chapel in the St. Mark’s Cathedral complex,...

Egypt arrests four in connection with church bombing, death toll rises

By ReutersEgyptian police have arrested four people in connection with the bombing that killed dozens of Christians at Cairo's Coptic Christian cathedral last month,...

(اللقاء الممنوع للبابا شنوده مع لميس الحديدي قبل الثورة (فيديو كامل

آخر لقاء لقداسة البابا شنودة مع لميس الحديدى.. سلاما لروحه فى سماء الخلد.ـ قضية الأقباط مدولة فعلا ولا تحتاج لأحد لتدويلها.ـ ما يحدث للأقباط يهز...

Church in Dumyat Receives Threats

By WataniThe church of the Holy Virgin on Street 100 in the Mediterranean coastal city of New Dumyat, east of the Nile Delta, has...

Report: ISIL is going down, but Salafi-Jihadists continue bloody crusade for Islamist sovereignty

By World TribuneIslamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) will be defeated in Iraq and Syria in 2017, but the driving force behind its...

وثيقة هامة مسربة عن تحالف الاخوان والمجلس العسكري

مترجم من «ويكيليكس» ـ===البرادعي / وعن تحالف الإخوان المسلمين والجيشمن: جيك سوليفانإلى: هيلاري كلينتونالتاريخ: 2011-11-23    14:35الموضوع: H: INTEL. معلومات استخبارية    عرض سري عن البرادعي...

Coptic Solidarity Board Member Reacts to Cairo Church Bombing

Dr. Mark Eid - Coptic Solidarity Board Memberhttps://youtu.be/k1EveuxsaTk 

Blood, rubble, dust – and a premonition: Cairo church bomb survivors remember their dead

By World Watch MonitorEyewitnesses have described the moment a bomb went off in their Cairo church, killing more than 20 women and children, and...