
American, Egyptian Politicians Condemn Sadat’s Expulsion from Parliament

By - POMEDU.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) issued a statement yesterday regarding the dismissal of MP Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat from Parliament. McCain stated that al-Sadat’s...

Jihadis Target Copts, Triggering Fears of Broader Assaults Against Religious Minority

By: Heba Saleh – Financial Times -Issaf Sameh, 10, tapped the side of his head and then his forehead to indicate where the bullets...

الدواعش» انتصروا ذهنياً»

د. خالد منتصر ـ تكرّر فى الإعلام سؤال استنكارى، وهو: هل يقتل المسيحى وحده فى سيناء؟، الإجابة يقتل الجندى المسلم والجندى المسيحى هناك، لا تفرقة،...

Targeted by ISIS, Egyptian Christians Flee Violence

By Declan Walsh, Nour Youssef - New York Times -Dozens of Egyptian Christian families fled their homes in the northern Sinai Peninsula on Friday,...

Copts exit al-Arish

By Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalIn the wake of the killing of six Copts throughout the last three weeks in the North Sinai town...

Christian killed in Sinai, sixth in a month: Egypt officials

By Egypt IndependentEgyptian security officials say suspected Islamic militants gunned down a Coptic Christian inside his home in northern Sinai, the sixth such killing in...

Egyptian police accused of ‘complicity and apathy’ in case of kidnapped Christian woman

By World Watch MonitorThe family of an 18-year-old Egyptian Christian woman, missing since 26 January, have accused the police of complicity in her kidnapping...

ISIS Egypt Is Openly Betting On Bigotry As A Winning Strategy

By: Alberto M. Fernandez - MEMRIThe propaganda of the Islamic State is entering an interesting new phase, as the "physical" Caliphate comes under unprecedented...