Tag:Coptic persecution

Egyptian reactions to the proposed H. Res. 673 concerning the Copts

By Coptic Solidarity - Since the announcement that a Congressional Resolution on Copts’ situation was introduced, Egypt’s media reported several reactions. Here below we provide...

Egyptian Government Criticizes Congressional Hearing on Human Rights

By POMEDOn December 6, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the U.S. Congress held a hearing to discuss human rights abuses in Egypt....

Dr. George Gurguis, President, Coptic Solidarity Testimony Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

Dr. George Gurguis, President, Coptic Solidarity Testimony Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission“Egypt: Human Rights Seven Years After the Revolution”December 6, 2017I would...

الفتن في مصر صناعة رسمية!

 د. عماد جاد - الوطن ـكشف الكثير من الأحداث التى مرت بها البلاد على مدار السنوات الماضية عن استمرار عنصر من عناصر وسمة من...

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing Egypt: Human Rights Seven Years After the Revolution

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission HearingEgypt: Human Rights Seven Years After the RevolutionWednesday, December 6, 20172:30 – 4:00 PM2255 Rayburn House Office BuildingPlease join...

Egypt’s Copts decry recent spate of church closings

By Shahira Amin - Al-MonitorWhen a long-awaited law on building and restoring churches went into effect in Egypt in September 2016, several Christian members...

Sisi’s Public Relations Campaign Targets American Evangelical Leaders

By Coptic Solidarity -On November 1, a group of American Evangelical leaders made history by becoming the first such delegation to meet with Egyptian...

Christians in Egypt Pelted With Rocks in Attack on Town – Four Churches Forced to Shut

By Joey Millar - The Express UK (via AINA) -The coordinated attacks took place in the Egyptian region of Minya, south of Cairo, where...