
Coptic Christians Targeted By ISIS Say Egyptian Government Not Helping

By Stoyan Zaimov - Christian Post (via AINA) -Coptic Christian families from North Sinai in Egypt, who have been displaced following numerous attacks by...

Sinai: eighth El-Arish Copt killed in targeted attack

By WorldWatch MonitorNabil Saber Ayoub Mansour became the eighth Egyptian Coptic Christian to be murdered in El-Arish, northern Sinai, this year in what appear to...

Islamists shoot dead Arish Copt who returned home

By Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalThe Copt Nabil Saber Fawzy, 40, who was among the Copts who had fled the North Sinai town of...

Tally of Coptic families displaced from al-Arish

Nader Shukry - Watani InternationalEgyptian Ministry of Solidarity has reported that until today the number of families displaced from the North Sinai town of...