
Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Laws

Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Lawsبيان بشأن قوانين التجديف والردةنقف معا بصفتنا ممثلين للمجتمع الدولي دعما لحريتي الدين والتعبير المترابطتين. نحن نعارض بشكل صارم القوانين التي...

Malaysian Federal Court refuses four people their right to affirm Christian identity

By WorldWatch MonitorMalaysia’s highest court dismissed an appeal today (27 February) against four appellants who wanted to be formally recognised as Christians.The five judges...

Egypt’s Top “Moderate” Cleric: Apostasy a “Crime,” Punishable by Death

Egypt’s Top “Moderate” Cleric: Apostasy a “Crime,” Punishable by DeathBy Coptic SolidarityJune 22, 2016The line between “moderate” and “radical” Muslim continues to fade. On the...