Tag:Abdel Fattah el-Sissi

Egyptian TV network’s sale concerns free-press advocates

By Albaraa Abdullah - Al-MonitorCAIRO — It appears the Egyptian government has indirectly tightened its hold on the media yet again. An Egyptian security...

US Report Says Egypt Falls Short on Rights

By The Associated Press (APNewsBreak) --Egypt is failing to protect free speech and its minorities, investigate abuses by its forces or grant U.S. monitors...

Human rights not just political, says Sisi

By Egypt Independent --Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stated that human rights concepts shouldn’t be reduced to only political rights, but rather should be...

Copts in Egypt: Situation and Policy Recommendations

By Coptic SolidarityEgypt’s indigenous Christians, the Copts, are under attack in a myriad of ways—from institutional and daily systematic discrimination to sporadic terrorization. While...

Sisi and Trump’s Good Relations Don’t Define US Policy

By Hatem Maher - MENASource - The Atlantic -When President Donald Trump won the US presidential election late last year, Egyptian media coverage praising...

Is Al-Azhar University a Global Security Threat?

By Cynthia Farahat - Middle East Forum -Al-Azhar University, the world's largest Sunni Islamic educational institution, is where many of the world's most brutal...

‘Human Rights First’ Report Urges New U.S. Government Approach to Egypt

By POMED -Human Rights First, a U.S.-based human rights organization, released a new report on Wednesday detailing the Egyptian government’s severe crackdown on dissent...

The Copts in Sisi’s Egypt: Between rhetoric and reality

By Dr. George Gurguis, MD -The decent into chaos that Egypt was heading for under the Muslim Brotherhood rule and President Morsi was averted...