Press Releases Statement from Coptic Solidarity on Change in Egypt

Statement from Coptic Solidarity on Change in Egypt


Change in EgyptThe steps taken by President Mubarak in face of the current popular ‘uprising’ have been too
little and too late. The effects of the chaos, insecurity and the economic paralysis now dominating
Egypt will take years to remedy.
To get out of the current crisis with its potentially disastrous consequences, we in Coptic
Solidarity believe that it is important to: i) implement change in a peaceful and orderly manner,
within a constitutional frame, in order to avoid endless cycles of contested legitimacy; and ii)
avoid the “Iran scenario” whereby Egypt falls into the hands of religious fascism.
We hence see the urgent need to proceed as follows:
1- Based on Articles 3 and 74 of the constitution, president Mubarak asks the people in an
urgent referendum, with immediate effect, to dissolve the parliament, cede all his
constitutional powers to the Vice-President and form a Transitional Constituting Council
(see below). As an ‘ex-president,’ Mr. Mubarak should then live in dignity (protected by
the army). There must be no room for vindictive acts.

Urgent Media Release –Feb. 4, 2011

Change in EgyptThe steps taken by President Mubarak in face of the current popular ‘uprising’ have been too
little and too late. The effects of the chaos, insecurity and the economic paralysis now dominating
Egypt will take years to remedy.

To get out of the current crisis with its potentially disastrous consequences, we in Coptic Solidarity believe that it is important to:





i) implement change in a peaceful and orderly manner,
within a constitutional frame, in order to avoid endless cycles of contested legitimacy; and


ii) avoid the “Iran scenario” whereby Egypt falls into the hands of religious fascism.
We hence see the urgent need to proceed as follows:

1- Based on Articles 3 and 74 of the constitution, president Mubarak asks the people in an
urgent referendum, with immediate effect, to dissolve the parliament, cede all his
constitutional powers to the Vice-President and form a Transitional Constituting Council
(see below). As an ‘ex-president,’ Mr. Mubarak should then live in dignity (protected by
the army). There must be no room for vindictive acts.

2- The Acting President uses the remaining period of the current presidential mandate as a
period of transition to implement a specific set of changes. A care-taker government
focuses on restoring public security and the economy.
3- Form a ‘Transition Constituting Council’ (TCC) to rule the country along with the
Acting President. It will be made-up of one hundred personalities representing the main
political parties, the emerging ‘youth protesting movements,’ syndicates, civil society, as
well as a number of unblemished public personalities.

4- With help of the Supreme Constitutional Court and renowned constitutional experts, TCC
drafts a new Constitution, to be ratified by the electorate within three months. The
Constitution must emphasize the civil nature of the political system and enshrine values of
equality, liberty and justice with unfettered supremacy of Human Rights conventions.
Political freedoms, especially the creation of parties (current Art. 5) to be guaranteed. The
choice of a parliamentary, rather than presidential, system is favored. The electoral system
is to ensure equitable representation of the various segments of the nation.

5- Free presidential and parliamentary elections to be held, under international supervision,
by October 2011.
We also believe that it is important for all segments of the society, including the Copts, to
take an active role in fashioning the future of their country in such a way to preserve it and set
its feet on the path of modernity.


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Statement from Coptic Solidarity on Change in Egypt


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Change in EgyptThe steps taken by President Mubarak in face of the current popular ‘uprising’ have been too
little and too late. The effects of the chaos, insecurity and the economic paralysis now dominating
Egypt will take years to remedy.
To get out of the current crisis with its potentially disastrous consequences, we in Coptic
Solidarity believe that it is important to: i) implement change in a peaceful and orderly manner,
within a constitutional frame, in order to avoid endless cycles of contested legitimacy; and ii)
avoid the “Iran scenario” whereby Egypt falls into the hands of religious fascism.
We hence see the urgent need to proceed as follows:
1- Based on Articles 3 and 74 of the constitution, president Mubarak asks the people in an
urgent referendum, with immediate effect, to dissolve the parliament, cede all his
constitutional powers to the Vice-President and form a Transitional Constituting Council
(see below). As an ‘ex-president,’ Mr. Mubarak should then live in dignity (protected by
the army). There must be no room for vindictive acts.

Urgent Media Release –Feb. 4, 2011

Change in EgyptThe steps taken by President Mubarak in face of the current popular ‘uprising’ have been too
little and too late. The effects of the chaos, insecurity and the economic paralysis now dominating
Egypt will take years to remedy.

To get out of the current crisis with its potentially disastrous consequences, we in Coptic Solidarity believe that it is important to:





i) implement change in a peaceful and orderly manner,
within a constitutional frame, in order to avoid endless cycles of contested legitimacy; and


ii) avoid the “Iran scenario” whereby Egypt falls into the hands of religious fascism.
We hence see the urgent need to proceed as follows:

1- Based on Articles 3 and 74 of the constitution, president Mubarak asks the people in an
urgent referendum, with immediate effect, to dissolve the parliament, cede all his
constitutional powers to the Vice-President and form a Transitional Constituting Council
(see below). As an ‘ex-president,’ Mr. Mubarak should then live in dignity (protected by
the army). There must be no room for vindictive acts.

2- The Acting President uses the remaining period of the current presidential mandate as a
period of transition to implement a specific set of changes. A care-taker government
focuses on restoring public security and the economy.
3- Form a ‘Transition Constituting Council’ (TCC) to rule the country along with the
Acting President. It will be made-up of one hundred personalities representing the main
political parties, the emerging ‘youth protesting movements,’ syndicates, civil society, as
well as a number of unblemished public personalities.

4- With help of the Supreme Constitutional Court and renowned constitutional experts, TCC
drafts a new Constitution, to be ratified by the electorate within three months. The
Constitution must emphasize the civil nature of the political system and enshrine values of
equality, liberty and justice with unfettered supremacy of Human Rights conventions.
Political freedoms, especially the creation of parties (current Art. 5) to be guaranteed. The
choice of a parliamentary, rather than presidential, system is favored. The electoral system
is to ensure equitable representation of the various segments of the nation.

5- Free presidential and parliamentary elections to be held, under international supervision,
by October 2011.
We also believe that it is important for all segments of the society, including the Copts, to
take an active role in fashioning the future of their country in such a way to preserve it and set
its feet on the path of modernity.