CS Releases Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!

Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!


13152 Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!Coptic Solidarity is pleased to report that a bill that we support has just been approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by voice vote with no objections. This bill, S. 653, would provide for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Religious Minorities. It was introduced by Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) with original co-sponsors Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

The House version of this bill, HR 301, passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in a vote of 402 to 22 on September 18th. It was sponsored by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) with original co-sponsor Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA). 

The next step is for Senator Harry Reid to schedule S. 653 for a full floor Vote. Coptic Solidarity urges Senator Reid to do so as soon as possible and asks that all U.S. Senators vote in support of this important bill. If S. 653 passes a Senate vote, then the House and Senate will work to reconcile any differences in langue. The final version would then be sent to President Obama to be signed into law. Learn More about the Special Envoy Bill>> https://copticsolidarity.ch/press-releases/2228-coptic-solidarity-urges-rapid-passage-of-senate-special-envoy-bill


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!


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13152 Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!Coptic Solidarity is pleased to report that a bill that we support has just been approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by voice vote with no objections. This bill, S. 653, would provide for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Religious Minorities. It was introduced by Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) with original co-sponsors Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

The House version of this bill, HR 301, passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support in a vote of 402 to 22 on September 18th. It was sponsored by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) with original co-sponsor Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA). 

The next step is for Senator Harry Reid to schedule S. 653 for a full floor Vote. Coptic Solidarity urges Senator Reid to do so as soon as possible and asks that all U.S. Senators vote in support of this important bill. If S. 653 passes a Senate vote, then the House and Senate will work to reconcile any differences in langue. The final version would then be sent to President Obama to be signed into law. Learn More about the Special Envoy Bill>> https://copticsolidarity.ch/press-releases/2228-coptic-solidarity-urges-rapid-passage-of-senate-special-envoy-bill