CS Releases Salafis Protest Church Renovation

Salafis Protest Church Renovation


eslamyeen Salafis Protest Church RenovationSalafi hostility for Coptic Christian churches in Egypt continues unabated. Most recently, concerning St. Mina church, renovations were just finished and a fence was being built when a group of Salafi came to the church, locked the priests inside and threatened to destroy the church if the fence is built.  Reverend Andraos Moussa tried to calm the Salafis and called for a peaceful solution, including by calling the governor of the area, Dr Yahya Abd Al-Azim and the head of security.  The officials convened a meeting the next day but were unable to resolve the issue, saying that the aggrieved parties should sue in court, and thus legitimizing the complaint. 

A group of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis distributed threatening leaflets and declared that they would go to church, and prevent the construction of the fence and demolish the church.  Reverend Moussa said that the authorities know who these threatening individuals are but will not arrest them.  He added that the church has a license to build the fence. Sharia law bans of the renovation of churches.

Summarized by Coptic Solidarity; original source, Copts United

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eslamyeen Salafis Protest Church RenovationSalafi hostility for Coptic Christian churches in Egypt continues unabated. Most recently, concerning St. Mina church, renovations were just finished and a fence was being built when a group of Salafi came to the church, locked the priests inside and threatened to destroy the church if the fence is built.  Reverend Andraos Moussa tried to calm the Salafis and called for a peaceful solution, including by calling the governor of the area, Dr Yahya Abd Al-Azim and the head of security.  The officials convened a meeting the next day but were unable to resolve the issue, saying that the aggrieved parties should sue in court, and thus legitimizing the complaint. 

A group of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis distributed threatening leaflets and declared that they would go to church, and prevent the construction of the fence and demolish the church.  Reverend Moussa said that the authorities know who these threatening individuals are but will not arrest them.  He added that the church has a license to build the fence. Sharia law bans of the renovation of churches.

Summarized by Coptic Solidarity; original source, Copts United