News Salafi Front Vows ‘Islamic Revolution’ on 28 November

Salafi Front Vows ‘Islamic Revolution’ on 28 November


The Salafi Front, part of the Anti-Coup Alliance that supports the reinstatement of ousted Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsy, was formed in 2011 after the 25 January revolution when it broke away from the more mainstream and pro-regime group Salafi Dawaa. 


Saeed was referring to mass Islamist protests under the former ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in 2011 which called for the application of Islamic Sharia. Media outlets opposed to Islamist groups dubbed the protests after the al-Qaeda stronghold Kandahar in Afghanistan.


“The Salafi youth will take to the streets with all its force, defying warnings by the Salafi Daawa and its political arm, Nour Party, who have shown their true face after the 3 July 2013 coup,” Saeed said, referring to Morsy's ouster of Morsy by the Armed Forces.


He said Islamists have a plan to confront security forces.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Salafi Front Vows ‘Islamic Revolution’ on 28 November


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The Salafi Front, part of the Anti-Coup Alliance that supports the reinstatement of ousted Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsy, was formed in 2011 after the 25 January revolution when it broke away from the more mainstream and pro-regime group Salafi Dawaa. 


Saeed was referring to mass Islamist protests under the former ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in 2011 which called for the application of Islamic Sharia. Media outlets opposed to Islamist groups dubbed the protests after the al-Qaeda stronghold Kandahar in Afghanistan.


“The Salafi youth will take to the streets with all its force, defying warnings by the Salafi Daawa and its political arm, Nour Party, who have shown their true face after the 3 July 2013 coup,” Saeed said, referring to Morsy's ouster of Morsy by the Armed Forces.


He said Islamists have a plan to confront security forces.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm