CS Releases Safwat Hegazy: Those Who Do Not Like the Islamists...

Safwat Hegazy: Those Who Do Not Like the Islamists Should Leave Egypt


safwathegazy Safwat Hegazy: Those Who Do Not Like the Islamists Should Leave Egypt

Editor’s note: In a recent video, Safwat Hegazy, a popular Egyptian preacher affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood—who earlier announced his dream that Egypt be merged in a “United Arab States” with Jerusalem as the capital—again makes clear that the Egypt he seeks to create will have “no place” for “secularists”—an umbrella term that includes Copts.


You secularists have no place in this society. Allah is triumphant.  Those who are saddened let them be sad; those who are discontented, let them be discontent: Allah is triumphant and whoever is not content to live on Allah’s land, under Allah’s sky and according to Allah’s religion [Islam], let him find another land away from this land, and another sky away from this sky.  Only those who obey Allah and his Sharia will remain in Egypt.


Translated by CS

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Safwat Hegazy: Those Who Do Not Like the Islamists Should Leave Egypt


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safwathegazy Safwat Hegazy: Those Who Do Not Like the Islamists Should Leave Egypt

Editor’s note: In a recent video, Safwat Hegazy, a popular Egyptian preacher affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood—who earlier announced his dream that Egypt be merged in a “United Arab States” with Jerusalem as the capital—again makes clear that the Egypt he seeks to create will have “no place” for “secularists”—an umbrella term that includes Copts.


You secularists have no place in this society. Allah is triumphant.  Those who are saddened let them be sad; those who are discontented, let them be discontent: Allah is triumphant and whoever is not content to live on Allah’s land, under Allah’s sky and according to Allah’s religion [Islam], let him find another land away from this land, and another sky away from this sky.  Only those who obey Allah and his Sharia will remain in Egypt.


Translated by CS