News Russian Military: ISIL’s 60,000 Jihadists Control 70 Percent of...

Russian Military: ISIL’s 60,000 Jihadists Control 70 Percent of Syria


Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the terror group is expanding its influence and now controls 70 percent of Syria, contradicting the recent comments by U.S. President Barack Obama that ISIL had been “contained.”


Shoigu said the number of ISIL jihadists in Iraq and Syria is about 60,000, and now the terror group is threatening to infiltrate post-Soviet Central Asia and the Caucasus.


President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Russian forces have inflicted heavy damage on ISIL’s infrastructure in Syria, but several Western intelligence officials have said Moscow continues to focus most of its attacks on rebels fighting against the Bashar Assad regime.


“What they’ve got to do is stop propping up the Assad regime, stop bombing opposition groups who are opposed to the Assad regime … and get behind the political process that is now under way of leading that country to a more pluralist government and a future without Assad,” British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said.


Putin, in an address to military leaders, also issued a veiled warning to Turkey, whose downing of a Russian Su-24 near the Syrian-Turkish border last month led Moscow to impose economic sanctions on Istanbul.


“I want to warn those who may again try to stage provocations against our troops,” Putin said. “I order you to act in an extremely tough way. Any targets threatening Russia’s (military) group or our land infrastructure must be immediately destroyed.”


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Dec. 11 said Ankara hopes the situation will calm down, but said Turkey’s patience is not unlimited.




ISIL tank in Raqqa, Syria. /Reuters


?s=96&d=mm&r=g Russian Military: ISIL’s 60,000 Jihadists Control 70 Percent of Syria


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Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the terror group is expanding its influence and now controls 70 percent of Syria, contradicting the recent comments by U.S. President Barack Obama that ISIL had been “contained.”


Shoigu said the number of ISIL jihadists in Iraq and Syria is about 60,000, and now the terror group is threatening to infiltrate post-Soviet Central Asia and the Caucasus.


President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Russian forces have inflicted heavy damage on ISIL’s infrastructure in Syria, but several Western intelligence officials have said Moscow continues to focus most of its attacks on rebels fighting against the Bashar Assad regime.


“What they’ve got to do is stop propping up the Assad regime, stop bombing opposition groups who are opposed to the Assad regime … and get behind the political process that is now under way of leading that country to a more pluralist government and a future without Assad,” British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said.


Putin, in an address to military leaders, also issued a veiled warning to Turkey, whose downing of a Russian Su-24 near the Syrian-Turkish border last month led Moscow to impose economic sanctions on Istanbul.


“I want to warn those who may again try to stage provocations against our troops,” Putin said. “I order you to act in an extremely tough way. Any targets threatening Russia’s (military) group or our land infrastructure must be immediately destroyed.”


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Dec. 11 said Ankara hopes the situation will calm down, but said Turkey’s patience is not unlimited.




ISIL tank in Raqqa, Syria. /Reuters