CS Releases Research Finds that Religious Freedom is Good For Business

Research Finds that Religious Freedom is Good For Business


2254721 Research Finds that Religious Freedom is Good For BusinessIn the last several years, more research has been conducted demonstrating that about 75% of the world population lives in countries with high or very high restrictions on religious freedom. Countries that allow more religious freedom are more stable, prosperous, and empower woman to a greater degree than countries in which religious freedom is restricted by the government. The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life has published 3 such reports providing the best quantitative analysis of this issue.


Below we have provided a quick overview of some of this research with links to the full reports


In May, a new report titled “Is Religious Freedom Good for Business?: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis,” found that

Religious freedom is one of only three factors significantly associated with global economic growth, according to a new study by researchers at Georgetown University and Brigham Young University.As the world navigates away from years of poor economic performance, religious freedom may be an unrecognized asset to economic recovery and growth, according to this new study.


The new study also furthers previous work in the field, including The Price of Freedom Denied (by Brian Grim & Roger Finke, Cambridge, 2011). Grim & Finke's research showed that religious freedom is a key ingredient to peace and stability, as measured by the absence of violent religious persecution and conflict. This is particularly important for business because where stability exists, there is more opportunity to invest and conduct normal and predictable business operations, especially in emerging and new markets.


The new study observes that religious hostilities and restrictions create climates that can drive away local and foreign investment, undermine sustainable development, and disrupt huge sectors of economies. Such has occurred in the ongoing cycle of religious regulation and hostilities in Egypt, which has adversely affected the tourism industry, among other sectors. Perhaps most significant for future economic growth, the study notes that young entrepreneurs are pushed to take their talents elsewhere due to the instability associated with high and rising religious restrictions and hostilities.


In August 2014, a groundbreaking publication was released titled, “BUSINESS: A Powerful Force for Interfaith Understanding and Peace” and was introduced by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the launch event. This excellent new resource demonstrates the benefit to companies that promote religious freedom as well as the benefit to the communities in which they operate. 


Dr. Brian Grim of the recently founded Religious Freedom and Business Foundation is leading much of this researchand outreach to the global business community.  His organizations provides many additional resources for businesses interested in learning more about how they can be game changers in religious freedom.


Coptic Solidarity believes this growing body of research provides a strong case to corporations to support NGOs and churches that promote greater religious freedom and equality for minorities worldwide. In this way, more individuals will have the opportunity to fully realize their potential and contribute to their societies. Additionally, support for religious freedom will create more stable and prosperous nation which is good for everyone on our increasingly interconnected globe.

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2254721 Research Finds that Religious Freedom is Good For BusinessIn the last several years, more research has been conducted demonstrating that about 75% of the world population lives in countries with high or very high restrictions on religious freedom. Countries that allow more religious freedom are more stable, prosperous, and empower woman to a greater degree than countries in which religious freedom is restricted by the government. The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life has published 3 such reports providing the best quantitative analysis of this issue.


Below we have provided a quick overview of some of this research with links to the full reports


In May, a new report titled “Is Religious Freedom Good for Business?: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis,” found that

Religious freedom is one of only three factors significantly associated with global economic growth, according to a new study by researchers at Georgetown University and Brigham Young University.As the world navigates away from years of poor economic performance, religious freedom may be an unrecognized asset to economic recovery and growth, according to this new study.


The new study also furthers previous work in the field, including The Price of Freedom Denied (by Brian Grim & Roger Finke, Cambridge, 2011). Grim & Finke's research showed that religious freedom is a key ingredient to peace and stability, as measured by the absence of violent religious persecution and conflict. This is particularly important for business because where stability exists, there is more opportunity to invest and conduct normal and predictable business operations, especially in emerging and new markets.


The new study observes that religious hostilities and restrictions create climates that can drive away local and foreign investment, undermine sustainable development, and disrupt huge sectors of economies. Such has occurred in the ongoing cycle of religious regulation and hostilities in Egypt, which has adversely affected the tourism industry, among other sectors. Perhaps most significant for future economic growth, the study notes that young entrepreneurs are pushed to take their talents elsewhere due to the instability associated with high and rising religious restrictions and hostilities.


In August 2014, a groundbreaking publication was released titled, “BUSINESS: A Powerful Force for Interfaith Understanding and Peace” and was introduced by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the launch event. This excellent new resource demonstrates the benefit to companies that promote religious freedom as well as the benefit to the communities in which they operate. 


Dr. Brian Grim of the recently founded Religious Freedom and Business Foundation is leading much of this researchand outreach to the global business community.  His organizations provides many additional resources for businesses interested in learning more about how they can be game changers in religious freedom.


Coptic Solidarity believes this growing body of research provides a strong case to corporations to support NGOs and churches that promote greater religious freedom and equality for minorities worldwide. In this way, more individuals will have the opportunity to fully realize their potential and contribute to their societies. Additionally, support for religious freedom will create more stable and prosperous nation which is good for everyone on our increasingly interconnected globe.