News Putin Tells Western Leaders: Let’s Bury Our Differences and...

Putin Tells Western Leaders: Let’s Bury Our Differences and Jointly Strike at ‘Barbarian’ ISIS




In a condolences telegram sent to French President Francois Hollande, Putin said, "This tragedy is another proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism, which challenges the human civilisation. Clearly, for effective fighting this evil, the entire international community should unite efforts," Tass news agency reported.


"I would like to confirm the Russian side is ready for most close cooperation with the French counterparts in investigating into the crime in Paris. I hope the initiators and executors will receive deserved punishments," Putin added.


Sergei Sobyanin, a close Putin ally and the mayor of Moscow, said the killings in Paris were "another reason to consolidate in the battle against Islamic State." Alexey Pushkov, a senior lawmaker and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of parliament, said he hoped the incident would bring the West to its senses. "Russia is fighting in Syria against those who blew up Paris and declared war on Europe," he wrote on his official Twitter account. "It is time for the West to stop criticising Moscow and to form a joint coalition."


In an interview on Friday ahead of the G20 summit and before news of the Paris carnage broke out, Putin vented his frustration at the United States for repeatedly rebuffing Russia's overtures to coordinate more closely in carrying out airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, Reuters reported.


Sources said that for weeks, Moscow had been asking Washington to share intelligence about ISIS targets while at the same time seeking the creation of a broader coalition to confront the ISIS menace in Syria. Washington has rejected all of Russia's proposals, the sources said.


"We need to urgently end the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine," said Sergey Markov, a Putin loyalist.


Russia began launching airstrikes in Syria on Sept. 30, saying this was meant to protect itself from possible future terror attacks by some 7,000 citizens from Russia and the former Soviet Union who are fighting with ISIS, Reuters said.


However, to Moscow's chagrin, Washington has accused Russia of not really hitting ISIS targets and bombing rebels backed by the West or Gulf states instead, reports said.


Meanwhile, Russian authorities announced that they are bolstering security measures following the attacks in Paris. The moves include putting security services on high alert, urging vigilance among citizens and tightening transport safety measures, Reuters reported.


Russia's deputy prime minister in charge of the defence industry Dmitry Rogozin said Russian defence bodies had introduced additional anti-terror security measures, according to Interfax news agency.


Moscow is particularly wary of an ISIS terrorist attack after the jihadist group released a video threatening attacks in Russia "very soon."




?s=96&d=mm&r=g Putin Tells Western Leaders: Let’s Bury Our Differences and Jointly Strike at ‘Barbarian’ ISIS


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In a condolences telegram sent to French President Francois Hollande, Putin said, "This tragedy is another proof of the barbarian nature of terrorism, which challenges the human civilisation. Clearly, for effective fighting this evil, the entire international community should unite efforts," Tass news agency reported.


"I would like to confirm the Russian side is ready for most close cooperation with the French counterparts in investigating into the crime in Paris. I hope the initiators and executors will receive deserved punishments," Putin added.


Sergei Sobyanin, a close Putin ally and the mayor of Moscow, said the killings in Paris were "another reason to consolidate in the battle against Islamic State." Alexey Pushkov, a senior lawmaker and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of parliament, said he hoped the incident would bring the West to its senses. "Russia is fighting in Syria against those who blew up Paris and declared war on Europe," he wrote on his official Twitter account. "It is time for the West to stop criticising Moscow and to form a joint coalition."


In an interview on Friday ahead of the G20 summit and before news of the Paris carnage broke out, Putin vented his frustration at the United States for repeatedly rebuffing Russia's overtures to coordinate more closely in carrying out airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, Reuters reported.


Sources said that for weeks, Moscow had been asking Washington to share intelligence about ISIS targets while at the same time seeking the creation of a broader coalition to confront the ISIS menace in Syria. Washington has rejected all of Russia's proposals, the sources said.


"We need to urgently end the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine," said Sergey Markov, a Putin loyalist.


Russia began launching airstrikes in Syria on Sept. 30, saying this was meant to protect itself from possible future terror attacks by some 7,000 citizens from Russia and the former Soviet Union who are fighting with ISIS, Reuters said.


However, to Moscow's chagrin, Washington has accused Russia of not really hitting ISIS targets and bombing rebels backed by the West or Gulf states instead, reports said.


Meanwhile, Russian authorities announced that they are bolstering security measures following the attacks in Paris. The moves include putting security services on high alert, urging vigilance among citizens and tightening transport safety measures, Reuters reported.


Russia's deputy prime minister in charge of the defence industry Dmitry Rogozin said Russian defence bodies had introduced additional anti-terror security measures, according to Interfax news agency.


Moscow is particularly wary of an ISIS terrorist attack after the jihadist group released a video threatening attacks in Russia "very soon."

